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Shrine of Odin

In the Shrine of Odin, you can view information about your troops and marches. Upgrading the Shrine of Odin increases the number of marches that can be sent simultaneously, as well as the maximum number of warriors in each of them.

LevelFoodLumberIronStoneSilverTimeGoldRequirementsBronzeGold NuggetSoul ShardHero’s ExperienceShaman's ExperienceInfluenceWarriors on a MarchNumber of Marches
1100250200150 00h 01m 40s20Palace 1   55151 0001
2180450360270 00h 03m 20s35Palace 2   1515352 5001
3325810650490 00h 06m 40s60Palace 3   2525505 0001
45851.5K1.2K875 00h 15m 00s110Palace 4   100100857 5001
51.05K2.65K2.1K1.6K 00h 30m 00s180Palace 5   20020011510 0001
62.1K5.25K4.2K3.15K 00h 55m 00s255Palace 6   25025019012 5002
74.2K10.5K8.4K6.3K 02h 00m 00s400Palace 7   25025030015 0002
88.4K21K17K13K 04h 00m 00s590Palace 8   25025045517 5002
917K42K34K25.5K 07h 30m 00s875Palace 9   25025068020 0002
1025.5K63K50.5K38K 15h 00m 00s1 450Palace 10   2502501K22 5002
1138K94.5K76K57K 18h 00m 00s1 650Palace 11   2502501.5K25 0003
1257K145K115K85.5K 21h 00m 00s1 800Palace 12   2502502.3K30 0003
1385K215K175K130K 1d 03h 00m 00s2 200Palace 13   2502503.45K35 0003
14130K320K260K195K 1d 06h 00m 00s2 350Palace 14   5005005.15K40 0003
15195K480K385K290K 1d 12h 00m 00s2 650Palace 15   1K1K7.75K45 0003
16290K720K575K435K 1d 21h 00m 00s3 200Palace 16   1.25K1.25K11.5K50 0004
17435K1.1M865K650K 2d 12h 00m 00s4 050Palace 17   1.25K1.25K17.5K62 5004
18650K1.65M1.3M970K 4d 00h 00m 00s6 150Palace 18   2.5K2.5K26K75 0004
19970K2.45M1.95M1.5M 1w 1d 00h 00m 00s12 000Palace 19   2.5K2.5K39K87 5004
201.5M3.65M2.95M2.2M 1w 6d 00h 00m 00s18 500Palace 20   5K5K59K100 0004
212.2M5.45M4.4M3.3M 7w 3d 00h 00m 00s71 500Palace 21   5K5K88.5K125 0005
223.3M8.2M6.55M4.95M 11w 1d 00h 00m 00s110 000   5K5K130K150 0006
234.9M12.5M9.85M7.4M 17w 5d 00h 00m 00s170 000   7.5K7.5K195K175 0007
247.35M18.5M15M11.5M 30w 00h 00m 00s290 000   7.5K7.5K295K200 0008
2511.5M28M22.5M17M 54w 00h 00m 00smore 1 year520 000   10K10K445K225 0009
2617M41.5M33.5M25M 161w 5d 00h 00m 00smore 3 years1 550 000   25K25K670K250 00010
2725M62.5M50M37.5M 210w 2d 00h 00m 00smore 4 years2 050 00010 000  31.67K31.67K1M275 00011
2837.5M93.5M74.5M56M 273w 2d 00h 00m 00smore 5 years2 650 00021 000  40.42K40.42K1.5M300 00012
2956M140M115M84M 355w 2d 00h 00m 00smore 6 years3 450 00033 000  49.17K49.17K2.25M325 00013
3084M210M170M130M 461w 6d 00h 00m 00smore 8 years4 450 00046 000  57.92K57.92K3.4M350 00014
31130M315M255M190M 600w 3d 00h 00m 00smore 11 years5 750 00060 000  66.67K66.67K5.1M400 00015
32280M695M555M415M830M720w 3d 00h 00m 00smore 13 years8 400 000 2 271 9.43M9.43M20M420 00015
33610M1.55B1.25B915M1.85B936w 4d 00h 00m 00smore 17 years11 000 000 4 729 10.52M10.52M81.5M450 00015
341.35B3.35B2.7B2.05B4.05B1 217w 3d 00h 00m 00smore 23 years14 500 000 7 378 11.61M11.61M325M480 00015
352.95B7.4B5.9B4.45B8.85B1 582w 5d 00h 00m 00smore 30 years18 500 000 10 216 12.71M12.71M1.3B510 00015
367.4B18.5B15B11.5B22.5B3 165w 3d 00h 00m 00smore 60 years27 000 000 20 6663 125 00015.21M15.21M1.95B540 00015
3718.5B46B37B28B55.5B7 913w 2d 00h 00m 00smore 151 years43 500 000 35 8667 500 00017.71M17.71M2.9B570 00015
3855.5B140B115B83B170B23 739w 6d 00h 00m 00smore 454 years65 000 000 54 86614 375 00020.21M20.21M4.4B600 00015
39170B415B335B250B500B73 593w 4d 00h 00m 00smore 1410 years105 000 000 80 51625 000 00022.71M22.71M6.6B630 00015
40 500B756.97B1.25T1.88T995B1.51T750B1.13T1.5T2.26T239 178w 6d 00h 00m 00smore 4583 years354 236w 3d 03h 21m 40smore 6789 years165 000 000479 020 025  170 000109 016325 52441 875 00091 875 00025.21M145.63M25.21M145.63M9.95B27.54B660 000 15 


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