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Secret Knowledge

Each section has its own level of improvement.

To change the level of improvement, you need to click on the level label on inside pages sections. See the screenshot below:


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Black Manta 15-06-2024 16:32How do you defeat paladin cohort level 40?
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JJD 02-10-2022 21:56How much cost of gold in second and third level of stage 1?
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Kelvin 16-09-2022 14:07Second stage amount to be spent ?
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Titus Dube 10-09-2022 16:50How do you defeat paladins level 36 when you are 600million influence palace lvl 27
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Titus Dube 10-09-2022 16:48How do you deaf paladins cohort level 36
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Tushar 08-02-2022 17:58Secret knowledge unlock at oracle level 31?
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t7s 11-01-2022 06:1323B Gold for stage 1, level 3 secret knowledge - is that accurate?
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Capt 10-10-2021 22:37How accurate are the boosts requirements? Whatever is selected for Level 5 is extremely high but then goes back down for level 6.
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Ky I do 28-07-2021 21:11Better to use gold or shards for the 2nd level of the original secret knowledge?
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gghgg 11-08-2021 20:18gold on everything, t8 with shards
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CMS 26-07-2021 16:24Someone has done calculations and the total cost of each stage is roughly the same for all knowledge trees:

1st stage = 101m shards / 198m gold
2nd stage = 303m shards / 595m gold
3rd stage = 910m shards / 1,8b gold
4th stage = 2b shards / 3.95b gold
5th stage = 4.3b shards / 8.3b gold
6th stage = 7.57b shards / 14.8b gold

Disclaimer: These amounts are appoximate and have not been verified but they seem like a good indicator based on what is known so far
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No way 27-05-2023 04:32No way
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Robert 27-07-2021 03:06Thats pretty close. Im finishing the 3rd level now. The citadel expense for t8 is also massive