Jomsviking Training Cost

Training newly recruited warriors can be quite costly! But Knowledge has been revealed to wise Jarls! By upgrading, you can substantially cut the training cost of undaunted Jomsvikings!

Reduced Jomsviking Training Cost 40

Reduced Jomsviking Training Cost

InfluenceHero’s Experience
14K2.6K2.6K1.2K21500h 30m 00s112035.2K
210K6.5K6.5K3K39501h 30m 00s130070.4K
325K16.5K16.5K7.5K71504h 30m 00s2750105.6K
462.5K41K41K19K1.55K14h 00m 00s21.9K140.8K
5160K105K105K47K3.75K1d 18h 00m 00s34.7K176K
6395K255K255K120K11.5K6d 00h 00m 00s412K211.2K
7980K635K635K295K26K2w 2d 00h 00m 00s629.5K246.4K
82.45M1.6M1.6M735K63.5K6w 4d 00h 00m 00s973.5K281.6K
96.15M4M4M1.85M160K19w 4d 00h 00m 00s15185K316.8K
10 15.5M25.74M9.95M16.61M9.95M16.61M4.6M7.68M390K657.63K58w 5d 00h 00m 00s> 1 Year(s)88w 2d 14h 30m 00s> 1 Year(s) 4040460K767.77K352K1.94M


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