Hero's Sustained Attack I

It's easy to repel a single attack, but it’s almost impossible to defend against blows coming from all sides. Train your Hero in powerful attack combinations and they will inflict even greater damage on enemies! Upgrading this Knowledge increases the number of attacks in a series, which determines the bonus.

Increased Number of Attacks in a Series 10

Increased Number of Attacks in a Series

InfluenceHero’s Experience
13K01.5K1.5K3.75K34000h 30m 00s11903.2K
27.65K03.85K3.85K8.65K54002h 30m 00s24354.8K
319.5K09.65K9.65K20K92006h 30m 00s39957.2K
449K024.5K24.5K46K1.9K18h 00m 00s42.3K11K
5125K062K62K105K3.75K1d 18h 00m 00s55.25K16.5K
6315K0160K160K245K7.8K4d 03h 00m 00s612.5K24K
7800K0400K400K560K19.5K1w 4d 00h 00m 00s728K36K
82.05M01.05M1.05M1.3M42.5K3w 5d 00h 00m 00s864K54K
95.15M02.6M2.6M2.95M98K9w 1d 00h 00m 00s9150K80.5K
10 13M21.52M0 6.5M10.81M6.5M10.81M6.8M12.04M230K405.25K22w 5d 00h 00m 00s38w 1d 00h 30m 00s 1010340K603.67K120K357.2K


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