Troop Health with Hero II

Skillful warlords know how to increase their endurance. Daily training and the ability to ration strength during intense battles are key to success! Upgrading this Knowledge increases the health of troops led by the Hero.

Troop Health with Hero 50

Troop Health with Hero

InfluenceHero’s Experience
14.5M4.5M4.5M4.5M4.5M160K1008w 2d 00h 00m 00s0300K130K
27.05M7.05M7.05M7.05M7.5M215K15012w 2d 00h 00m 00sOracle 221520K165K
311M11M11M11M12.5M290K22018w 00h 00m 00sOracle 242895K210K
417.5M17.5M17.5M17.5M21M390K32026w 2d 00h 00m 00sOracle 2531.55M255K
526.5M26.5M26.5M26.5M34.5M530K47038w 5d 00h 00m 00sOracle 2642.7M315K
641.5M41.5M41.5M41.5M57M730K69056w 6d 00h 00m 00s> 1 Year(s)Oracle 2664.6M385K
764.5M64.5M64.5M64.5M94.5M1M1 05083w 3d 00h 00m 00s> 1 Year(s)87.95M465K
8105M105M105M105M160M1.4M1 500122w 5d 00h 00m 00s> 2 Year(s)Oracle 271114M565K
9160M160M160M160M265M1.95M2 200180w 2d 00h 00m 00s> 3 Year(s)Oracle 281424M680K
10245M245M245M245M435M2.7M3 250265w 00h 00m 00s> 5 Year(s)Oracle 281841M815K
11380M380M380M380M720M3.75M4 750389w 4d 00h 00m 00s> 7 Year(s)Oracle 292370.5M975K
12590M590M590M590M1.2B5.25M6 950572w 5d 00h 00m 00s> 10 Year(s)Oracle 2928125M1.2M
13920M920M920M920M2B7.35M10 500841w 6d 00h 00m 00s> 16 Year(s)34210M1.4M
141.45B1.45B1.45B1.45B3.3B10.5M15 0001 237w 3d 00h 00m 00s> 23 Year(s)42365M1.65M
15 2.25B6.27B2.25B6.27B2.25B6.27B2.25B6.27B5.5B13.81B15M51.22M22 50069.65K1 819w 00h 00m 00s> 34 Year(s)5 672w 3d 00h 00m 00s> 108 Year(s) 5050625M1.49B1.95M11.16M


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