Doomed are they who stand in the Leviathan's way. The horseman's enemies will die by a poleaxe blow or the mighty horse's hooves.
Stats | |
Type | Cavalry |
Group | Troops |
Level | T6 |
Offense | 433 |
Defense | 433 |
Health | 433 |
Upkeep | 6,00 Food/Hr |
Power | 192 |
Load | 45 |
Speed | 0.8 |
Points | 96 |
Hero’s Experience | 96 |
Train | |
Training Speed | 00h 10m 30s |
Food | 405 |
Wood | 405 |
Ore | 304 |
Stone | 810 |
Silver | 1500 |
Gold | 90 |
Soul Shard | 0 |
Heal | |
Hospital Healing Speed | 00h 00m 21s |
Food | 162 |
Wood | 162 |
Ore | 122 |
Stone | 324 |
Silver | 600 |
Gold | 18 |