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english 09-10-2024 17:24what uber invders i may find raw hide
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Dejtemir 17-01-2025 23:48click on it and read there
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deejaa 10-11-2021 21:11What are the requirements and duties of an Elder in this game?
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!Judgementday! 08-05-2020 00:15First I want to say, I think you all are doing a fantastic job with this site! I hope you continue your efforts to provide helpful information for players. Thank you. I have a suggestion...
Your Materials section needs work. You could split into Standard and Invader materials. Also, when a standard material is info you give is almost useless. Only drop rate from chests are listed along with all the equipment that requires the material(not useful). You should list the areas, locations, or ways to obtain the material(that would be helpful). Nobody has ever noticed they had a high quantity of rope, and thought to themselves.....
"hmmmm....I have too much rope sitting around, I wonder what useless pieces of equipment I can make to take up inventory slots instead."
On the other hand...I am sure people have been trying to make a piece of equipment that needed rope, but they didn't have it. Then thought..."can I get rope?" For materials, list which rss locations give which materials. List which tasks sets can give materials(or stones etc). This would be much more useful information than what equipment can be made with the material.

Again, just a suggestion...keep up the great work!
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loki7788 27-10-2019 09:3860% legendary 40% epic Do you take the chance or wait till 100%? do the slots 1 thru 4 matter?
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you what for 100% or you will not get legendary materials 15-03-2021 21:16you what for 100% or you will not get legendary materials
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SLAP67 07-06-2021 01:08Absolutely false... I have taken the chance plenty of times and received legendary. Please know what you are giving advice about.
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Ace 29-09-2021 05:53Depends. There are items that I have made recently that I am only missing one legendary material for, but have 8+ of the other pieces. I've been fortunate, and the times I've done this I am about 4/5 success for legendary outcome. The one I lost I had 12+ of the other pieces, so it wasn't too bad of a loss. That being said, if you are in depth on a shaman item, don't try doing this to items that require other equipment as materials. It's a lot of material to lose that far in.

- Ace #46
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Klm 01-11-2020 06:47You must make something that you dont need you need 3 yellow and 1 blue carft if you get blue gear you can make what you need, chances are you will to succeed led. If you do your set up
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CaptCorto 07-07-2020 03:29Gamble only with one epic item out of 4.
If you have eoic material to forge to legendary do it b4 gamble. I found if you forge 4 legendary materials and do gear gamble after always get legendary gear. Maybe coincidence, maybe not. Worth trying.
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shahzad 18-02-2020 12:50i usually take a chance. Mostly successful. but dont take a chance if you will loose hard get item like forged steel in gascon. every invader there is one material hard to get. i never took a chance to loose it or if it is epic i take a chance.
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Jamie 25-05-2019 19:16Who drops just plain steel
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Jason 09-03-2019 03:24Who drops lead
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Missing materials 13-03-2019 02:55Look again
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Missing materials 13-03-2019 02:55Look again
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Missing materials 13-03-2019 02:50Tasks
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19-02-07 07-02-2019 19:17Where is the bowstring?
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19-02-07 07-02-2019 19:21Tough Bowstring is there
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Missing materials 19-01-2019 08:18Sword hilt is missing.
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Missing materials 13-03-2019 02:50Thanks for adding it
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James B Fairchild 18-12-2018 03:17I find this site well conceived and useful. Thank you. Please add gold nugget when you can. Would it be possible to split site into 2 sites - 1 Russian and one English? I believe when it is a mix of both English and Russian as it is now, people who might hire your services may be concerned that documentation or internal commands on project, etc will also be mixed. For example, I had to look up "Ваше имя" because I did not know what to put in that required field. A company I worked for in Montreal had a problem with documentation that was badly translated from French into English. I thank you in advance for your consideration.
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junk 20-01-2018 22:10you are missing Bull Sinews on this page
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Missing materials 13-03-2019 02:56Look again