Novice’s Relocation

Gold3 000

An eagle needs clear skies to fly freely. This item allows you to move your Town to any place on the Global Map.

Use this item to relocate your Town to any point on the Global Map or to another Kingdom. Available only until Palace level 6.


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Kriss 03-05-2022 07:06You never could "buy" it, it was given at teh start of the game, but apparently they replaced it with a standardrelocation that is limited to the kingdom you're born in. So no way anymore to create an alternate and directly move it to your KD with main account.
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Tiaan 07-11-2021 03:38how do i get a novice relocation, im lv 5 want to move to another KD
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Schlauberger 11-05-2021 00:20This game is a complete disaster. The lag and all those blue circles get on my nerves. I stop this one and go back to my Counterstrike ego shooter game.
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Aplmustdie 20-04-2021 03:32Except now they keep changing the rules to use it. Two days ago, they changed it so the town has to be at least level 4 and less than level 6. Today, it is not being given at any level.
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Mohit 17-04-2018 11:37How to bury novice relocation