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Koura 26-04-2022 08:56I can't believe it actually happened. I spent about 13 months trying to pass Helheim. I finally did it a few days ago. Right after I passed it - I thought to myself - I've spent a long time on this - and now that I've passed it - that's when Plarium will do something to make it easier to pass N-7 F-10. Sure enough - they did just that. Thanks Plarium.

We have a new Seasonal Store that opened today. In there, you will find a piece of armor for the right hand of your champion. With that new armor - you should have no problem passing N-7 F-10. Congrats for everyone who hasn't passed it yet - now you can. The "Soulbane" armor costs 5m runic coins. It's expensive. If you're someone like me who has spent a long time trying to pass the last Node and you haven't yet - I think the price is worth it.
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What's the difference completing helliheim with 3 stars on 10 7 19-06-2022 09:00What is the boost benefit for completing hell heim with 1 star compared to 3 stars
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Koura 26-04-2022 09:25Congrats everyone!!! - you can now pass the last Node of Helheim.
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Sam 25-04-2022 05:52If someone can find the name of the dodo at plarium who thought Helheim was a good idea pls post. I want to send some t8s to his house 😎
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#538, VANDRA 13-10-2022 02:39maybe he is in 538 👀
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Koura 26-04-2022 08:57Amen to that !!!
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Koura 23-04-2022 14:38I started working on Helheim a long time ago. I just completed it the other day. I even Posted back on July 15, 2021 about N-7 F-10. I was working on that for over 2 months and made about 300 attempts to pass that Node before making that post about it. So, from start to finish - it took me about 13 months to complete Helheim. I contacted everyone I could find in the game that completed Helheim to find out how they did it. I heard so many theories or what players did to pass it. They were all different. Their armor, skill sets - male or female Champion, the direction they went through the Chambers - the time of day they did it etc. I could not find a pattern that worked. In my opinion - Plarium made an algorithm for N-7 F-10. And depending on what that algorithm gives you - lowers or increases your chances of passing the last node. One player passes it in 10 attempts and another cant pass it in 1000 attempts. So, instead of basing it on skill or gaining the necessary items or resources over time to pass it - Plarium in their infinite wisdom decided to base it on Luck. To me - thats straight up B.S. - Amen.
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Smauggly 13-02-2023 16:27Indeed amen 😁
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rick oliver 19-12-2021 22:43i have all of beowulfs gear and still can't get 3rd star on node 7
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dlegler75@gmail.com 18-12-2021 23:30Is there a certain way to finish node 7on floor 10 ,, I went straight up and killed the boss ,and I don't know which way to finish the last node
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Dansing 15-11-2021 02:03How do i get the auto explore in Helhiem - do i have to pass a particular floor or get a certain VIP level-thanks
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Rissian 17-11-2021 06:19Finish a node and get 3 stars. You can then do it again and it will give you the choice to auto explore it up to 10 times a day at 100 marks each. It gives reduced xp though.
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Jumis 12-11-2021 18:02What is a best gear/ setup for 50lvl and how to spread lvl power points?
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dedmdmdm 22-10-2021 23:43If you want dodges in helheim hmu on discord. Dodge King#8573
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dedmdmdm 18-10-2021 23:07If you want to get your dodge statistic up here is the way
1. Get high dodge chance gear
2. Put all your skill points into agility
3. Go to floor 7
4. PLay the floor over and over again
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Ererddd@dsds.com 17-10-2021 19:34Beowolfs headband
Bewitched breastplate
Durable boots
Str 4061
Agl. 3272
Int. 3132
Vit. 26

Forgot to thank the rest of k354🍻