Resource Storage

The Resource Storage accepts contributions from Clan members and stores resources produced in the Stronghold. Upgrading the building allows Jarls to transfer more resources, reduces the rate (fee), and speeds up the convoys sent to the Stronghold.

LevelTimeTimberPlatesSteelAleThoriarsScrollsPrecious DustRequirementsStronghold InfluenceNumber of Resources to Be Sent to StrongholdThe Stronghold Contribution RateContribution convoy speed
1         62 000 000500 00030%4%
22w 4d 00h 00m 00s6 8506 8506 8506 8502 350225 House of Jarls 286 500 000540 00027%8%
37w 5d 00h 00m 00s56 00056 00056 00056 00018 800250 House of Jarls 3125 000 000580 00023%12%
411w 4d 00h 00m 00s59 50059 50059 50059 50020 5002851 750House of Jarls 4170 000 000620 00019%16%
5 460w 1d 00h 00m 00smore 8 years482w 00h 00m 00smore 9 years545 000667 350545 000667 350545 000667 350545 000667 350190 000231 650200 000200 7603 5005 250House of Jarls 5 243 000 000686 500 000660 0002 900 00015% 20% 


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0 0
TolRath 03-12-2021 09:41Ale 1.7M
Timber 2.1M
Steel 724 K
Plates 2.1 M
Scrolls 350K
Dust 5000

715 000 000 Influence
9KM Valley
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Angie 17-03-2021 01:13And yet, no instruction that I can find on how one goes about upgrading the storage. Everything says to do that in order to increase convoy capacity, but I don't see ANY information regarding HOW to upgrade it. Anyone have an answer on that? I'm pretty new to the game, but spending money like crazy, so if this is just going to keep costing a fuqload of money to do anything, I may consider just walking away if I can figure out how to give all my stuff to another player. I have two clan members, but I think they stopped playing as soon as they started, so I'm probably alone out there...
0 0
Frank 26-12-2022 12:38Boot them from clan, then attack them and get rss back.

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