House of Jarls

The House of Jarls is the Stronghold's heart. Here you can view the Stronghold summary and statistics. Upgrading the House allows you to construct other buildings, upgrade their level and also increase the Valley of the Aesir area.

LevelTimeTimberPlatesSteelAleThoriarsScrollsPrecious DustRequirementsStronghold InfluenceValley of the Aesir, KmВыработка ресурсовTotal Offense
1         190 000 000520%8%
23w 1d 00h 00m 00s29 50029 5009 80023 5005 900650 Shamans' Residence 1260 000 000630%11%
39w 3d 00h 00m 00s236 000236 00080 000188 00048 000800 Shamans' Residence 2365 000 000740%14%
414w 4d 00h 00m 00s255 000255 00085 000205 00051 0009753 500Shamans' Residence 3510 000 000850%17%
5 575w 1d 00h 00m 00smore 11 years602w 2d 00h 00m 00smore 11 years2 350 0002 870 5002 350 0002 870 500780 000954 8001 900 0002 316 500470 000574 900350 000352 4255 0008 500Shamans' Residence 4 715 000 0002 040 000 0009 60% 20% 


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F1RE N ICE 07-01-2024 08:30what is mead hall capacity? it is something you can upgade in glroy hall. no one in our clan knows what this means.
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Twinion 07-10-2024 06:48Mead Hall is where other people in the clan can send reinforcements. Nice if a big player sends and uses you as a trap.
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Spence 18-10-2021 00:02Where is all the lv5 info?
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Ivana 18-05-2019 23:00Dolina Aers?