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Town Skin

Bastion of the Beast
Black Castle
Citadel of the Sun
Dragon’s Citadel
Eagle's Eyrie
Gard of Annihilation
Gard of Austerity
Gard of Awakening
Gard of Balance
Gard of Battle
Gard of Composure
Gard of Confidence
Gard of Conquest
Gard of Courage
Gard of Cunning
Gard of Daring
Gard of Defense
Gard of Determination
Gard of Enlightenment
Gard of Equilibrium
Gard of Esteem
Gard of Execution
Gard of Extravagance
Gard of Ferocity
Gard of Fortitude
Gard of Fortune
Gard of Freedom
Gard of Grandeur
Gard of Health
Gard of Hel
Gard of Heritage
Gard of Honor
Gard of Hope
Gard of Immortality
Gard of Independence
Gard of Infinity
Gard of Insuperability
Gard of Intimidation
Gard of Intrigue
Gard of Invincibility
Gard of Iron Will
Gard of Justice
Gard of Leadership
Gard of Legends
Gard of Life
Gard of Loyalty
Gard of Mystery
Gard of Patronage
Gard of Peace
Gard of Permanence
Gard of Perseverance
Gard of Plenitude
Gard of Power
Gard of Pride
Gard of Prosperity
Gard of Radiance
Gard of Recognition
Gard of Resistance
Gard of Shielding
Gard of Souls
Gard of Steel
Gard of Strength
Gard of Success
Gard of Supremacy
Gard of the Conqueror
Gard of the Cosmos
Gard of the Crusher
Gard of the East
Gard of the Elite
Gard of the Empire
Gard of the Hunt
Gard of the Insatiable
Gard of the Lotus
Gard of the New Dawn
Gard of the Phoenix
Gard of the Poleaxe
Gard of the Predator
Gard of the Protector
Gard of the Ruler
Gard of the Sea Serpent
Gard of the Seafarer
Gard of the Sunset
Gard of the Tyrant
Gard of the Warlord
Gard of the Wild
Gard of Time
Gard of Tirelessness
Gard of Twilight
Gard of Unity
Gard of Vengeance
Gard of Vigor
Gard of War
Gard of Whispers
Gard of Wisdom
Golden Gard
Home of the Aesir
Hunter's Gard
Influence Gard
Iron Fortress
Killer's Gard
Mentor's Gard
North Gard
Raven’s Rest
Shaman's Gard
Sturdy Dragon's Citadel
Sturdy Raven's Rest
The Cradle
Tower of Triumph
Villein Abode
Warrior's Fortress
Yielder's Gard


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0 4
#134, Plknk 17-04-2023 01:44What about gard of defence?
0 0
Wacks 03-04-2023 10:31Gard of Peace... missing
0 5
Mr.AK 02-04-2023 23:34Gard of Austerity
1. Buy a Gard for 7m Runic Coins.
2. Earn 1b Soul Shards.
3. Train 12b t7.
4. Spend 500m Shaman's power.
5. Spend 4b Gold.
6. Earn 5b Soul Shards.
0 4
Hidek 18-03-2023 00:19Gard of Austerity?
0 3
Gladiator 26-03-2023 09:15lvl 2: earn 1b soul shards (in general)
lvl 3: train 12b t7
lvl 4: spend 500,000 shaman energy
lvl 5:
lvl 6:
0 1
Gladiator 27-03-2023 08:56lvl 5: spend 4b gold
3 3
Сергей 14-12-2022 09:03All missing guards added.
0 0
Dejtemir 21-01-2024 04:47Hi do you have info for the 5 town skins which can be upgraded to higher levels? How many runic stones will we need for all levels?
0 6
#285, Heathen 14-03-2023 18:52hey, can this section add a specific column where we can pill up skin boosts to know exactly how much we can earn from those skins
0 9
Eg2 09-12-2022 17:14Gard of the warlord
Stage 1: 1.5b gold
Stage 2: 115 k weeks
Stage 3: 2m shards in town
0 3
Eg2 11-12-2022 18:31Stage 1: 1.5b gold
Stage 2: 115k weeks
Stage 3: 2b shards in town
Stage 4: 148k weeks
Stage 5: 5b gold
0 0
DZV 11-12-2022 12:012 m or 2 B ?
0 0
dark 10-12-2022 02:29thanks
0 0
RUOK 28-11-2022 12:56I hope you guys are okay.
0 11
update 10-10-2022 19:18Need new datamining. new skins out
0 0
Now 12-08-2022 18:53What's the best way to set hero sets
0 0
Rocyy 13-08-2022 13:22activate or make?
0 0
tyrn 23-07-2022 12:33tryn