Gard of Honor

How to get

LevelSpend GoldEarn Soul ShardsStar ShardAsgard StoneBoost processes (free boosts are not counted)Purchase in the Asgard StoreEarn Soul Shards by fighting in TownsKill tier IV enemy warriorsTrain tier VIII warriors
1     1   
2955 000 000 475 000      
31 450 000 000 945 000      
41 900 000 000 1 450 000      
52 650 000 000 2 200 000      
65 000 000 000 4 700 000      
7  2 350 0002 000   55 000 000 000 
8  3 200 0002 800  4 000 000 000  
9  4 200 0003 600496 031w 5d 05h 20m 00s    
10 5 000 000 0005 400 0004 600     
11  6 800 0005 800    5 000 000 000
12 5 000 000 0008 350 0007 100     
13  10 500 0008 600496 031w 5d 05h 20m 00s    
14  12 000 00010 300  4 000 000 000  
15 11 955 000 000 10 000 000 00014 500 00077 070 00012 00056 800 992 063w 3d 10h 40m 00smore 19013 years 1 8 000 000 00055 000 000 000110 000 000 000 5 000 000 000


Tier VIII Warrior Offense During Attack1%31%61%92%141%300%315%346%384%433%494%570%661%771%900%
Troop Defense When Guarding Fortresses  61%92%140.5%300%315%346%384%433%494%570%661%771%900%
Tier VIII Warrior Defense During Attack 31%61%92%141%300%315%346%384%433%494%570%661%771%900%
Offense During Attack Against Tier IV   16%24%50%52%57%64%72%82%95%110%128%150%


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0 2
Richard W Campbell 03-08-2024 18:16ouch
0 2
VIK 18-07-2024 13:497: Kill T4's 55B +2000 Asgard Stones
8: Earn Soul Shards in Towns 4B +2800 Asgard Stones
9: Boost Processes ~497k Weeks +3600 Asgard Stones
10: Earn Soul Shards 5B +4600 Asgard Stones
11: Train T8's 5B +5800 Asgard Stones
12: Earn Soul Shards 5B +7100 Asgard Stones
13: Boost Processes ~497k Weeks +8600 Asgard Stones
14: Earn Soul Shards in Towns 4B +10,300 Asgard Stones
15: Kill T4's 55B +12,000 Asgard Stones
0 0
Tghff 19-07-2024 07:49Thanks..
0 0
Khunnu empires 16-07-2024 08:237 lvl: Kill tier IV EW - 55B + 2000 asgard stone
0 0
Khunnu empires 06-07-2024 09:48please give me 7-15th lvl