Gard of Enlightenment

How to get

LevelEarn Soul ShardsDestroy enemy warriorsStar ShardPurchase in the Seasonal Store
1   1
2 11 000 000 000105 000 
3550 000 000 205 000 
4 16 000 000 000310 000 
5750 000 000 470 000 
6 1 300 000 00026 500 000 00053 500 000 0001 000 0002 090 000 1


Scout Offense During an Attack1%15%29%44%66%140%
Troop Offense During Defense 15%29%44%66%140%
Troop Offense During an Attack  29%43.5%66%140%
Number of Scouts in a Troop I   31%47%100%


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0 4
VIK 28-09-2024 13:357: Spend Shaman's Powery 1B +500 Runic Stones
8: Kill T8's 5B +700 Runic Stones
9: Complete D/W/M Quests x50 +900 Runic Stones
10: Train T8's 5B +1200 Runic Stones
11: Earn Soul Shards 5B +1500 Runic Stones
12: Train T8's 5B +1800 Runic Stones
13: Kill T8's 5B +2200 Runic Stones
14: Complete D/W/M Quests x200 +2600 Runic Stones
15: Spend Shaman's Powery 1B +3000 Runic Stones

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