Gard of Wisdom

How to get

LevelSpend Hero's energySpend Shaman's powerSpend GoldEarn Soul ShardsStar ShardRunic StonePurchase in the Seasonal StoreEarn Soul Shards by fighting in TownsKill enemy scoutsKill tier IV enemy warriorsTrain tier VIII warriors
1      1    
2250 000 000   105 000      
3 125 000 000  205 000      
4  735 000 000 310 000      
5250 000 000   470 000      
6 125 000 000  1 000 000      
7 1 000 000 000  500 000500     
8    680 000700  50 000 000 000  
9  3 000 000 000 895 000900     
10    1 150 0001 200    3 000 000 000
11  3 000 000 000 1 450 0001 500     
12    1 800 0001 800   30 000 000 000 
13  3 000 000 000 2 150 0002 200     
14   4 000 000 0002 600 0002 600     
15 500 000 000 1 250 000 000 9 735 000 000 4 000 000 0003 000 00016 315 0003 00014 400 12 000 000 0002 000 000 000 50 000 000 000 30 000 000 000 3 000 000 000


Scout Offense During an Attack1%15%29%44%66%140%147%154%163%174%188%205%226%251%280%
Troop Health During Defense   43.5%66%140%147%154%163%174%188%205%226%251%280%
Number of Scouts in a Troop I  6%8.5%12%25%26%30%35%41%49%58%70%84%100%
Troop Offense in Onslaught Against Ranged 5%8%12%18%36%37%39%41%44%48%52%58%64%72%


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0 0
VIK 24-07-2024 08:207: Spend Shaman's Power 1B +500 Runic Stones
8: Kill Enemy Scouts 50B +700 Runic Stones
9: Spend Gold 3B +900 Runic Stones
10: Train T8 Warriors 3B +1,200 Runic Stones
11: Spend Gold 3B +1,500 Runic Stones
12: Kill T4 Warriors 30B +1,800 Runic Stones
13: Spend Gold 3B +2,200 Runic Stones
14: Earn Soul Shards 4B +2,600 Runic Stones
15: Earn Soul Shards in Towns 2B +3,000 Runic Stones
0 0
Vidhya 12-06-2024 17:30Lol 1 T is impossible
1 0
Norse 06-06-2024 03:00Level 7, Spend Shaman power 1T - 500 Runic.