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Town Skin

Bastion of the Beast
Black Castle
Citadel of the Sun
Dragon’s Citadel
Eagle's Eyrie
Gard of Annihilation
Gard of Austerity
Gard of Awakening
Gard of Balance
Gard of Battle
Gard of Composure
Gard of Confidence
Gard of Conquest
Gard of Courage
Gard of Cunning
Gard of Daring
Gard of Defense
Gard of Determination
Gard of Enlightenment
Gard of Equilibrium
Gard of Esteem
Gard of Execution
Gard of Extravagance
Gard of Ferocity
Gard of Fortitude
Gard of Fortune
Gard of Freedom
Gard of Grandeur
Gard of Health
Gard of Hel
Gard of Heritage
Gard of Honor
Gard of Hope
Gard of Immortality
Gard of Independence
Gard of Infinity
Gard of Insuperability
Gard of Intimidation
Gard of Intrigue
Gard of Invincibility
Gard of Iron Will
Gard of Justice
Gard of Leadership
Gard of Legends
Gard of Life
Gard of Loyalty
Gard of Mystery
Gard of Patronage
Gard of Peace
Gard of Permanence
Gard of Perseverance
Gard of Plenitude
Gard of Power
Gard of Pride
Gard of Prosperity
Gard of Radiance
Gard of Recognition
Gard of Resistance
Gard of Shielding
Gard of Souls
Gard of Steel
Gard of Strength
Gard of Success
Gard of Supremacy
Gard of the Conqueror
Gard of the Cosmos
Gard of the Crusher
Gard of the East
Gard of the Elite
Gard of the Empire
Gard of the Hunt
Gard of the Insatiable
Gard of the Lotus
Gard of the New Dawn
Gard of the Phoenix
Gard of the Poleaxe
Gard of the Predator
Gard of the Protector
Gard of the Ruler
Gard of the Sea Serpent
Gard of the Seafarer
Gard of the Sunset
Gard of the Tyrant
Gard of the Warlord
Gard of the Wild
Gard of Time
Gard of Tirelessness
Gard of Twilight
Gard of Unity
Gard of Vengeance
Gard of Vigor
Gard of War
Gard of Whispers
Gard of Wisdom
Golden Gard
Home of the Aesir
Hunter's Gard
Influence Gard
Iron Fortress
Killer's Gard
Mentor's Gard
North Gard
Raven’s Rest
Shaman's Gard
Sturdy Dragon's Citadel
Sturdy Raven's Rest
The Cradle
Tower of Triumph
Villein Abode
Warrior's Fortress
Yielder's Gard


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Steve 18-07-2024 14:57So I am not able to use the drop downs on this page but was wondering, without having to look at every single town skin, if there are any town skins that increase your number of warriors on a march?
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Ned 24-08-2024 14:18I did a quick run through this list and there was only one skin specifc to increasing warrior numbers on a march. The Gard of Time, but it only has 11% on lvl 4 and 25% on lvl 5 .. which is max lvl. Of course this may change if there are newer ones or limits increased on others.
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Ned 24-08-2024 14:20PS. There are a ton of town skins that increase numbers of troops in an onslaught.
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Saphira 31-03-2024 18:23This needs to be updated, missing many town skins
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Joe 18-08-2023 23:06Can anyone confirm that the townskins working as described ? I have 24 different skins and they all performs similary there's no difference between them at all . They all performs similary no difference at all in strength and march sizes, they all performs similary vs no skin at all .
I've 5 accounts and it's the same for them all !!!???
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rez 28-05-2024 14:01you had 3 months to update these cities, do your job and get them updated..
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Ragnar The Red 28-01-2024 10:10Doesn't matter what skin you use. The bonuses the skins come with are applied all the time. That's why don't notice a difference, the difference was already added to you stats. This encourges everyone to collect town skins to become stronger. You can use any skin or no skin at all and you still get the bonus of ALL the skins.
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--jrb-- 11-01-2024 21:19You are confused. All town skins you have are always working. It doesn't matter if you select one in your palace to change your appearance. They are all always working together.
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Koura 22-11-2023 17:24Yes they do work together as described. However - I'll say this - something is off with Plariums math. I don't think M.I.T. could figure it out. For example: when a skin or boost says 200% march speed. I'm not actually 200% faster. Plarium says 200% - but 200% of or compared to what? Plarium uses their crazy math and algorithms to determine all this in the game. So - if something seems off - it is. It's always been off in this game.
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asd 21-12-2023 20:15if you dont have any marching speed bonus and lets say a march is 2 mins after you get that 100% it will be 1 min ( what is -1 min). its not multiplier effret, so if you get another 100% that means it will be 30 seconds. you get 100% without andy bouns you will be actually x2 faster, but if lets say you have 10000% bouns marching speed another +100%.... you wont even feel it .
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english 31-10-2023 03:46the town skins are cumulative, not separate, so no matter which one you are using, you always have all of the benifits
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Akshit 25-08-2023 10:09When you upgrade a skin the effects are permanent doesnt matter if u have that skin on or not
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Don 02-08-2023 10:12Gard of Defend ?
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Chris 17-07-2023 06:21Gard of Power ( proper level stages )

Level 2 = Kill 30 B scouts/spies ( all tiers counts )
Level 3 = Earn 2 B soul shards
Level 4 = Spend 3 B gold
Level 5 = Earn 4 B soul shards
Level 6 = Spend 5 B gold
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1234 17-07-2023 05:11LVL 3SPEND 3 BIL IN GOLD
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Chris 09-07-2023 19:09Gard of Power

lv 1 - kill 30 B scouts
lv 2 - Earn Soul Shards 2 B
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hlmrs 11-07-2023 18:52is it 30 billion of any level scouts?
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Chris 12-07-2023 15:46Yes
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Chris 11-07-2023 05:15lv 3 - Spend 3 B gold
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Chris 11-07-2023 05:19lv 4 - Earm Soul Shards 4 B
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Jan 17-05-2023 02:15How can I get Gard of the New Dawn on 2 years old acount?
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#285, Heathen 04-05-2023 11:48Anyone on this page at this moment, hit me up
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Chris 20-04-2023 19:14What about gard of Radiance?