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War Bloc

The War Bloc allows you to form Onslaughts — joint attacks performed by clanmates and allies — and participate in them. Upgrading this building increases the maximum number of warriors in an Onslaught.

LevelFoodLumberIronStoneSilverTimeGoldRequirementsSoul ShardWarrior’s DraftHero’s ExperienceShaman's ExperienceInfluenceWarriors in Onslaught
1501005050 00h 03m 50s70 155512 500
2951909595 00h 05m 00s185 515151020 000
3185365185185 00h 07m 30s310 1025251540 000
4345690345345 00h 15m 00s565 201001002060 000
56551.35K655655 00h 30m 00s905 352002003080 000
61.35K2.65K1.35K1.35K 01h 00m 00s1 250 5025025050100 000
72.65K5.25K2.65K2.65K 02h 00m 00s1 750 7525025085125 000
85.25K10.5K5.25K5.25K 04h 00m 00s2 250 100250250125150 000
910.5K21K10.5K10.5K 08h 00m 00s3 250 150250250190175 000
1016K31.5K16K16K 18h 00m 00s4 550 200250250290200 000
1124K47K24K24K 21h 00m 00s5 550 275250250435225 000
1235.5K70.5K35.5K35.5K 1d 00h 00m 00s6 400 350250250655250 000
1353K110K53K53K 1d 06h 00m 00s7 700 450250250980275 000
1479.5K160K79.5K79.5K 1d 12h 00m 00s8 800 5505005001.45K300 000
15120K240K120K120K 1d 18h 00m 00s10 500 7001K1K2.2K350 000
16180K360K180K180K 2d 00h 00m 00s12 000 8501.25K1.25K3.3K400 000
17270K535K270K270K 2d 21h 00m 00s14 500 1 0501.25K1.25K4.95K450 000
18405K805K405K405K 4d 12h 00m 00s18 000 1 2502.5K2.5K7.45K500 000
19605K1.25M605K605K 1w 2d 00h 00m 00s28 000 1 7502.5K2.5K11K625 000
20910K1.85M910K910K 2w 1d 00h 00m 00s39 500 2 2505K5K16.5K750 000
211.4M2.75M1.4M1.4M 8w 2d 00h 00m 00s105 000 3 2505K5K25K1 000 000
222.05M4.1M2.05M2.05M 12w 3d 00h 00m 00s155 000 4 2505K5K37.5K1 250 000
233.1M6.1M3.1M3.1M 19w 6d 00h 00m 00s240 000 6 2507.5K7.5K56.5K1 625 000
244.6M9.15M4.6M4.6M 33w 5d 00h 00m 00s385 000 8 2507.5K7.5K85K2 125 000
256.9M14M6.9M6.9M 60w 4d 00h 00m 00smore 1 year665 000 11 25010K10K125K2 750 000
2610.5M21M10.5M10.5M 181w 4d 00h 00m 00smore 3 years1 900 000 16 25025K25K190K3 500 000
2715.5M31M15.5M15.5M 236w 00h 00m 00smore 4 years2 450 000 21 75031.67K31.67K285K4 125 000
2823.5M46.5M23.5M23.5M 306w 5d 00h 00m 00smore 5 years3 150 000 28 25040.42K40.42K430K4 750 000
2935M69.5M35M35M 398w 6d 00h 00m 00smore 7 years4 100 000 35 75049.17K49.17K645K5 375 000
3052.5M105M52.5M52.5M 518w 3d 00h 00m 00smore 9 years5 300 000 44 25057.92K57.92K965K6 000 000
3178.5M160M78.5M78.5M 673w 6d 00h 00m 00smore 12 years6 900 000 53 75066.67K66.67K1.45M7 250 000
32175M345M175M175M345M808w 5d 00h 00m 00smore 15 years10 500 000 64 2509.43M9.43M5.8M7 725 000
33380M755M380M380M755M1 051w 2d 00h 00m 00smore 20 years13 500 000 75 75010.52M10.52M23M8 575 000
34835M1.7B835M835M1.7B1 366w 4d 00h 00m 00smore 26 years17 000 000 88 25011.61M11.61M93M9 425 000
351.85B3.7B1.85B1.85B3.7B1 776w 4d 00h 00m 00smore 34 years22 000 000 101 75012.71M12.71M370M10 275 000
365.55B11B5.55B5.55B11B3 553w 1d 00h 00m 00smore 68 years30 500 0006 250 000116 25013.71M13.71M555M10 275 000
3717B33B17B17B33B8 882w 4d 00h 00m 00smore 170 years49 000 00015 000 000131 75014.71M14.71M835M10 275 000
3850B99B50B50B99B26 647w 4d 00h 00m 00smore 510 years73 000 00028 750 000148 25015.71M15.71M1.25B10 275 000
39150B300B150B150B300B82 607w 3d 00h 00m 00smore 1583 years115 000 00050 000 000165 75016.71M16.71M1.85B10 275 000
40 595B821.03B1.2T1.65T595B821.03B595B821.03B1.2T1.65T268 473w 6d 00h 00m 00smore 5145 years397 623w 6d 04h 01m 20smore 7620 years185 000 000541 016 035 83 750 000183 750 000184 2501 319 62117.71M123.13M17.71M123.13M2.8B7.79B10 275 000 


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