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Valkyries' Citadel

In the Valkyries' Citadel, you can improve the stats of all troop types

LevelFoodLumberIronStoneSilverTimeGoldRequirementsBronzeGold NuggetSoul ShardHero’s ExperienceShaman's ExperienceInfluence
1125200150250 00h 01m 30s15Palace 12   5510
2215340255425 00h 03m 00s30Palace 13   151520
3365580435725 00h 06m 00s55Palace 13   252530
46159857401.25K 00h 15m 00s110Palace 14   10010045
51.05K1.7K1.3K2.1K 00h 25m 00s155Palace 15   20020065
62.1K3.35K2.55K4.2K 00h 50m 00s240Palace 15   250250105
74.2K6.7K5.05K8.4K 02h 00m 00s400Palace 16   250250170
88.4K13.5K10.5K17K 03h 30m 00s540Palace 16   250250255
917K27K20.5K33.5K 06h 30m 00s790Palace 17   250250385
1025.5K40.5K30.5K50.5K 13h 00m 00s1 300Palace 18   250250575
1138K60.5K45.5K75.5K 18h 00m 00s1 650Palace 18   250250865
1256.5K90.5K68K115K 21h 00m 00s1 800Palace 19   2502501.3K
1385K140K105K170K 1d 00h 00m 00s2 000Palace 19   2502501.95K
14130K205K155K255K 1d 03h 00m 00s2 150Palace 20   5005002.9K
15195K305K230K385K 1d 09h 00m 00s2 450Palace 21   1K1K4.4K
16290K460K345K575K 1d 15h 00m 00s2 800Palace 21   1.25K1.25K6.6K
17430K690K515K860K 2d 06h 00m 00s3 650Palace 22   1.25K1.25K9.9K
18645K1.05M775K1.3M 3d 15h 00m 00s5 600Palace 23   2.5K2.5K14.5K
19970K1.55M1.2M1.95M 1w 00h 00m 00s10 500Palace 23   2.5K2.5K22K
201.45M2.35M1.75M2.9M 1w 5d 00h 00m 00s17 500Palace 24   5K5K33K
212.2M3.5M2.65M4.35M 6w 5d 00h 00m 00s64 500Palace 24   5K5K50K
223.3M5.25M3.95M6.55M 10w 00h 00m 00s96 000Palace 25   5K5K75K
234.9M7.85M5.9M9.8M 15w 6d 00h 00m 00s155 000Palace 26   7.5K7.5K110K
247.35M12M8.8M15M 27w 00h 00m 00s260 000Palace 26   7.5K7.5K165K
2511M18M13.5M22M 48w 4d 00h 00m 00s470 000Palace 27   10K10K250K
2616.5M26.5M20M33M 145w 4d 00h 00m 00smore 2 years1 400 000Palace 27   25K25K380K
2725M40M30M49.5M 189w 2d 00h 00m 00smore 3 years1 850 000Palace 289 000  31.67K31.67K570K
2837.5M59.5M45M74.5M 246w 00h 00m 00smore 4 years2 400 000Palace 2918 900  40.42K40.42K855K
2956M89M67M115M 319w 5d 00h 00m 00smore 6 years3 100 000Palace 2929 700  49.17K49.17K1.25M
3083.5M135M105M170M 415w 5d 00h 00m 00smore 7 years4 000 000Palace 3041 400  57.92K57.92K1.9M
31130M205M155M255M 540w 2d 00h 00m 00smore 10 years5 200 000Palace 3154 000  66.67K66.67K2.85M
32315M505M380M630M250M648w 3d 00h 00m 00smore 12 years7 550 000Palace 32 1 653 9.43M9.43M11.5M
33785M1.3B940M1.6B625M842w 6d 00h 00m 00smore 16 years9 800 000Palace 33 1 789 10.52M10.52M46M
342B3.15B2.35B3.95B1.6B1 095w 5d 00h 00m 00smore 20 years13 000 000Palace 34 1 928 11.61M11.61M185M
354.9B7.85B5.9B9.8B3.95B1 424w 3d 00h 00m 00smore 27 years17 000 000Palace 35 2 066 12.71M12.71M740M
3615B23.5B18B29.5B12B2 848w 5d 00h 00m 00smore 54 years24 500 000 9 6721 500 00013.71M13.71M1.1B
3744.5B70.5B53B88B35.5B7 121w 6d 00h 00m 00smore 136 years39 000 000 20 7343 600 00014.71M14.71M1.65B
38135B215B160B265B110B21 365w 3d 00h 00m 00smore 409 years58 500 000 34 5636 900 00015.71M15.71M2.45B
39400B635B480B795B320B66 232w 5d 00h 00m 00smore 1269 years91 000 000 53 23112 000 00016.71M16.71M3.7B
40 1.6T2.2T2.55T3.51T1.95T2.67T3.2T4.39T1.3T1.78T215 256w 00h 00m 00smore 4125 years318 805w 3d 17h 40m 30smore 6110 years145 000 000424 399 235  153 00073 974199 61020 100 00044 100 00017.71M123.13M17.71M123.13M5.6B15.49B


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1 8
Mek 10-06-2021 22:07New Update just added 5 new levels... Don't know how long it will take to see them here but they require soul shards on top of gold nuggets and regular resources lol Plarium trying their best to F us up
56 348
asdfasdf 08-10-2018 01:07Where is the page that explains the upgrades?
42 51
Deon Weideman 06-09-2018 12:22I do not have the option to build this, why?