Unity of Three

Secret achievementYes

 1 Lvl.2 Lvl.3 Lvl.4 Lvl.5 Lvl.6 Lvl.7 Lvl.8 Lvl.9 Lvl.10 Lvl.11 Lvl.12 Lvl.13 Lvl.14 Lvl.15 Lvl.Total
Minimum level of the Palace111111111111111 
Reward (Gold)10M24M37.5M52.5M71M98M145M210M325M500M550M650M750M850M1B5.27B
Number of Warriors in Training10%15%30%55%90%130%185%250%320%400%440%520%600%680%800%800%
Infirmary Capacity10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%110%130%150%170%200%200%
Number of Warriors on a March10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%110%120%130%140%150%150%
How to get 
Get → Use: Gold + Soul Shard + Runic Coin10М+ 10М+ 100К25М+ 25М+ 400К50М+ 50М+ 700К75М+ 75М+ 1M200М+ 200М+ 2M300M+ 300M+ 3M500M+ 500M+ 3M750M+ 750M+ 3.5M1B+ 1B+ 6M       


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SAM 19-10-2021 03:58My question if I need 70 million shards for example to do level 3, must I first get all the 70 million then i start using them or I can jsut start using them whenever i get some shards? It is difficult to wait until you get all needed Shards, Runic an dold then start using them.
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Camerron 25-10-2021 04:19You can start as you get them, don't need to wait till full amount
0 24
Jamessheldon444 19-10-2021 01:45Level 2 is wrong. Even if there was a "reset", I've earned and spent more than the required 25/25/400. And if there wasn't a reset, then there's something seriously wrong with the game.
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Dissillusioned 21-10-2021 09:10i earned/spent like 3 to 5 times more than stated above for lvl 2. maybe trigger of kind involved?
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Barbie 28-10-2021 06:26Level 2 is 30/30/300
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Jamessheldon444 22-10-2021 01:31I finally got it last night, and I don't know how. Last thing I did was spend gold on hitting uber chief. But according to freyja's tears, I've spent almost 100m in gold and earned over 50m.
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Spence 17-10-2021 19:55Any clue on what lv4 would be?
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Cgg 18-10-2021 02:121m runic coins
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Spence 18-10-2021 03:12Yeah I just heard from a friend it's
100m shards
100m gold
1m coin
Crazy some are on lv8 already. Do you think it counts if you buy the gold?
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Barbie 28-10-2021 06:27Buying gold does count
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O.o 18-10-2021 04:03Buying gold through bank offers doesn't count
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Ladejard 16-10-2021 15:46Any have info on level 5?
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Cgg 19-10-2021 00:031.5 m runic coin
150m gold
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str 17-10-2021 02:47I know earning and spending 1.5m runic coins is enough
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Lame 16-10-2021 18:09Dont know with gold and shards bc i used a lot but i tried 1m coins for L5 and did not get it, adding 540k more did it. so 1m- 1.54m coins for L5.
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Lame 16-10-2021 18:12used 300m shards roughly and 400m gold but i guess this is overshooting
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BloodyJose 13-10-2021 20:19I all ready spent over 100m gold , 100m shards and 2m coins to get level 2 bat nothing 🧐 something is wrong with this f****g game 🤬
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Lame 14-10-2021 21:03If you do events and earn gold you get nothing.
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Lame 14-10-2021 21:03dont*
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#525, Фулкрум 14-10-2021 20:27did you also earned 40M gold, 40M shards and 400K coins from events, not from pack, you must earn your items from events. Sometomes players miss this point.
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Richard 13-10-2021 16:27i just got lv 2 didnt spend anything scored 15 ml shards during siege and have 1 bl. gold and have 300 k coins so numbers r off on here
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Hades 12-10-2021 13:29Do have to use in 1 time 10M soul shards, or do it works if i spent soul shards 10M example one month
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O.o 11-10-2021 23:19Spent 70m/70m/700k runic for lvl3
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CMS 17-10-2021 18:58Runic coins sounds right, it's too big a jump for gold and shards. Probably closer to 40
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Spence 11-10-2021 07:39Hate this achievement it's gotta be the most inconsistent.
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speedemn 08-10-2021 09:58For my level 2 I got it after 30M+30M gold and shards ... I bought the season skin for 3M coins and obviously that was more than enough and between L1 and L2 I earned 750M coins. But I think it migiht have been 300k coins but I cannot confirm that bit.
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#525, Фулкрум 08-10-2021 10:57no way you have earned and spent only 30m gold. I counted my coins piece by piece and did not get it before I reached 40M
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speedemn 11-10-2021 07:15I tracked too. But I am now having the same issue as you for level 3. I've earned and spent way more than what people are saying but I haven't got it yet. I am reluctant to spend more coins especially and not get it.
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Jamessheldon444 11-10-2021 22:05I'm hearing things got "reset" with the update on Sept 30 with the new achievement levels. I've kept a detailed Excel spreadsheet of what I've earned and spent since I got level 1, and its waaaaaay more than the numbers shown. But I only show as having "earned" 6.2m gold since friend of nieblung was updated, and I've lost count on the number of runic coins I've gotten.
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#525, Фулкрум 11-10-2021 21:48find me in the top clan in kd 525 and we can review your achievement.
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speedemn 12-10-2021 17:05Top clan in 525 appears to be a German clan. What's you name there? Doesn't match your name here.
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#525, Фулкрум 13-10-2021 01:24ah, the name is the same... it is just written in a Cyrilic alaphabet here.... chheck for Fulcrum in 525.
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speedemn 24-10-2021 10:38All good, I got 3 shortly thereafter and then 4 relatively quickly after that. TIming was a bit weird though on when I got 4 relative to when I completed the requirements (as I thought).

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