Unity of Three

Secret achievementYes

 1 Lvl.2 Lvl.3 Lvl.4 Lvl.5 Lvl.6 Lvl.7 Lvl.8 Lvl.9 Lvl.10 Lvl.11 Lvl.12 Lvl.13 Lvl.14 Lvl.15 Lvl.Total
Minimum level of the Palace111111111111111 
Reward (Gold)10M24M37.5M52.5M71M98M145M210M325M500M550M650M750M850M1B5.27B
Number of Warriors in Training10%15%30%55%90%130%185%250%320%400%440%520%600%680%800%800%
Infirmary Capacity10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%110%130%150%170%200%200%
Number of Warriors on a March10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%110%120%130%140%150%150%
How to get 
Get → Use: Gold + Soul Shard + Runic Coin10М+ 10М+ 100К25М+ 25М+ 400К50М+ 50М+ 700К75М+ 75М+ 1M200М+ 200М+ 2M300M+ 300M+ 3M500M+ 500M+ 3M750M+ 750M+ 3.5M1B+ 1B+ 6M       


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40 65
Dissillusioned 12-01-2022 20:14beware: game upgrades are known to reset what u do for achievements. so unity of three and art of war could be affected. happened to me two times.
16 25
say what? 31-01-2022 22:49and anyone who thumb this down, just be thankful it's not happened to you, but it is failing. I keep an accurate record after each upgrade too, it is not user error - for level 4 I ended up earning and spending almost triple what was required.
8 24
say what? 31-01-2022 22:21Happened to me three times too. After the first 2 times I decided to do everything at once for level 6. Target 300/300/3m. I earnt and used 442/340/5.1 million coins. Then while waiting for it to come in an unnannounced maintenance....That's three fails now. Seriously fking annoying
16 0
Stercast 10-01-2022 06:33Level 9 is 1B gold and soul shards and 4m runic coins not on so don't know it
0 24
Stercast 10-01-2022 06:31Level 8 is 750m gold and soul shards and 3.5m runic coins
0 16
speedemn 09-01-2022 20:48In response to what @Rimshot posted below... this didn't work for me:

8 - 600M / 600M / 3.5-4M

But that being said I also know people who got Level 8 with 750/750/4 and I know others who have surpassed that and still haven't got it.
0 8
speedemn 13-01-2022 08:38I got it once I used up 750m shards... I had already earned way more and spent way more of other items so I am concluding that this is 750/750/4 based on what some others have also observed.
8 9
vas 01-01-2022 18:42lvl11?
8 16
gghgg 22-12-2021 20:33can we get some pointers for 9 and 10?
32 0
Sinkid 21-12-2021 10:128m runic coins 155m soul shards, 500m + gold all earned and spent and still no lv5, maybe a little more to it I dont know.
8 16
Sinkid 29-12-2021 01:51Got lv 5 now, its 200m soul shards not 150, it's been changed above I can see as well
0 8
TBOS 22-12-2021 00:15Having similar issue. I've spent about the same in gold, 300 million shards, and 3 million runic coins. Nothing.
0 0
Sinkid 21-12-2021 19:17Does it count if you sound some before earning it?
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Dissillusioned 12-01-2022 20:12spending and earning. all works: doing one than another (doesn't matter which fitst), doing it simoultaneously,...
0 8
TBOS 22-12-2021 00:17Possibly. I had a lot of shards saved up. Haven't "earned" that much recently. Maybe that's what the hold up is.
0 0
Sinkid 21-12-2021 19:17*spend
0 8
vas 16-12-2021 03:24lvl9?
0 0
vas 16-12-2021 03:18I am sure that for lvl8 I consumed 4m coins. Unfortunately, I cant provide any relevant info about gold and shards consumed on this lvl. Between lvl7 and 8, I trained a lot of t8s and I consumed almost 3b gold.
0 16
Rimshot 15-12-2021 19:13Why has nobody updated the numbers?
I believe it may be:
1 - 10M / 10M / 100K
2 - 25M / 25M / 300K
3 - 50M / 50M / 700K
4 - 75M / 75M / 1M
5 - 150M / 150M / 1.5M
6 - 200M / 200M / 2M
7 - 400M / 400M / 3M
8 - 600M / 600M / 3.5-4M
9 - ?M / ?M / ?
10 - ?M / ?M / ?

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