Unity of Three

Secret achievementYes

 1 Lvl.2 Lvl.3 Lvl.4 Lvl.5 Lvl.6 Lvl.7 Lvl.8 Lvl.9 Lvl.10 Lvl.11 Lvl.12 Lvl.13 Lvl.14 Lvl.15 Lvl.Total
Minimum level of the Palace111111111111111 
Reward (Gold)10M24M37.5M52.5M71M98M145M210M325M500M550M650M750M850M1B5.27B
Number of Warriors in Training10%15%30%55%90%130%185%250%320%400%440%520%600%680%800%800%
Infirmary Capacity10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%110%130%150%170%200%200%
Number of Warriors on a March10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%110%120%130%140%150%150%
How to get 
Get → Use: Gold + Soul Shard + Runic Coin10М+ 10М+ 100К25М+ 25М+ 400К50М+ 50М+ 700К75М+ 75М+ 1M200М+ 200М+ 2M300M+ 300M+ 3M500M+ 500M+ 3M750M+ 750M+ 3.5M1B+ 1B+ 6M       


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TheWolf 23-10-2023 21:18Anyone recll what lvl 12 cost were?
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Pierre 23-12-2023 00:41Hi Wolf, See my above post. I have not gotten to 12 but I over spent trying to get it to happen. 17 billion gold, 7 billion shards, and 40 M runic coin purchase of the SHauman amulet. What do you think I did wrong??
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voty 31-08-2023 19:42I was simply playing the game and got all up to level 8. Then stuck on level 9, spent 3 times the requirement, and nothing so I gave up for some time. Today I just realized that I also need to get them for each level separately. :)
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Skippy 05-07-2023 18:33You can fulfill the "earning" part of this achievement by buying packs. Here's what I did for level 15:

Gold- 1.9b earned (6b bought in packs), many billions spent
Coins- 1.86m earned (40m bought), 11m spent
Shards- 3.75b earned (7.8b bought), 2.7b spent
1 1
Rhys 30-06-2023 14:40Not sure if this will help anyone but I've spent approx 1b gold 1b shards and around 10m runic coins for level 12, got nothing, kvk came up tonight I unshielded and earned 1.1b soul shards when I woke up the next morning burned I'd received my achivment yet spent more more of the 3... wether it has something to do with earning them too? I don't know...
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Þttttt 26-06-2023 08:46I have a stupid question.
Why "getting" matters. I can't spend 100m of anything if i didn't get it in the first place. Isn't obvious that to spend you need to get it first?
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DragonFang 28-09-2023 09:20Yes but you have to be at town level 35 before soul shards are needed. It doesn't have to be all at once. Whatever achvmnt level you are working on the game keeps a tab of these items on what you get however way either earn or purchase, and then also another tab on how much you spent during that achvmt level. I just got my level four after only spending 64k soul shards for a knowledge upgrade. That amount covered the last souls I needed to achieve level four
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ZSS 27-06-2023 10:46You have to "get" the needed amount for the next level AFTER you have received the current achievement. You cannot "get" everything needed first and then do all the levels.
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Skippy 23-06-2023 23:31Once again, this achievement baffles me. Once again, I keep meticulous track of what I earn/spend for it. Just got level 14 today. Here's what I did to get it:

Gold: earned a hair over 3 billion. Spent way more (not the issue)
Runic coins: spent 21 million. Earned 3,930,000.
Soul shards: Spent 2.57 billion. Earned 1.18 billion

Something is not right with the charts trusted people have been putting up. The only thing I can think is that buying packs of shards/coins affects this, which I did do recently. Enough to put both over the targets for upgrade.
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DragonFang 28-09-2023 09:27Did you purchase any as well?! I would assume it only starts keeping track and once a certain level is achved. Or maybe if you get gold first then it stops counting gold to that particular achvmnt lvl, and starts a new gold aquire balance toward the next level. So maybe certainl items are ahead in levels than the others but only realize once all 3 have met the requirement. Meaning gold is the easiest of the 3 to get in my opinion and maybe the good is one or even 2-3 levels ahead waiting for the other items to catch up
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DragonFang 28-09-2023 09:28*gold instead of the word good
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Not worth the effort 31-05-2023 10:57If anyone wants the real facts for personal achievements just go on to proxy bot tells you the facts for each acheivemt
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captc 19-08-2023 12:01Unity not yet available in proxyb.
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What 27-06-2023 13:53Share the link
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Skippy 09-05-2023 02:25I just completed level 13. The shards and gold earned/spent seemed to line up (2.5b), but I only earned a hair over 6 million runic coins (and spent 8m), and I keep meticulous track of this stuff.
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Nacho 04-04-2023 20:06Soul Shards from Store Packs do not apply.
Spent beyond lvl 4 requirements. Woke up this morning with no upgrade to the achievement.
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Kurt 17-08-2023 11:06Yes they do count but I believe you also have to earn a portion of them from the game and not by purchasing the full amount.
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Not worth the effort 31-05-2023 10:52Yes they do count I've only ever had soul shards from I am on lvl 5 on this acheivement. I got that far by buying soul shards
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Skippy 04-05-2023 20:08They don't apply to this achievement, but they do apply to upgrading town skins.
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Mahmoud Osama 05-03-2023 10:44On what palace lvl does runic coin start appearing in personal event ?!
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Dejtemir 31-12-2023 22:55Palace level 33

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