Unity of Three

Secret achievementYes

 1 Lvl.2 Lvl.3 Lvl.4 Lvl.5 Lvl.6 Lvl.7 Lvl.8 Lvl.9 Lvl.10 Lvl.11 Lvl.12 Lvl.13 Lvl.14 Lvl.15 Lvl.Total
Minimum level of the Palace111111111111111 
Reward (Gold)10M24M37.5M52.5M71M98M145M210M325M500M550M650M750M850M1B5.27B
Number of Warriors in Training10%15%30%55%90%130%185%250%320%400%440%520%600%680%800%800%
Infirmary Capacity10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%110%130%150%170%200%200%
Number of Warriors on a March10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%110%120%130%140%150%150%
How to get 
Get → Use: Gold + Soul Shard + Runic Coin10М+ 10М+ 100К25М+ 25М+ 400К50М+ 50М+ 700К75М+ 75М+ 1M200М+ 200М+ 2M300M+ 300M+ 3M500M+ 500M+ 3M750M+ 750M+ 3.5M1B+ 1B+ 6M       


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16 112
english 18-09-2021 13:3710m gold 10m ss and 100k coins ,level 1
40 136
Raven 18-09-2021 00:17Lvl 1 is spend 10M gold, 10M shards, 100K runic coins.
0 24
Mac 18-09-2021 13:10It can be that combination but i'm certain i didn't spend that many shards to get it, over 5m but under 10m
0 8
Sylvain 22-09-2021 11:06I got it this morning and i didn t spent any shards !!! Last things before log off was siege, so it s maybe on kills or shards earned but in that case not much than 3-4m shards earn
0 8
Mac 17-09-2021 21:32i just upgraded a few knowledges which required a few M soul shards and got iot, can't think of doing anything else after previous log in
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Mac 18-09-2021 13:09But i see it can't be just that, my clanmate tried the same and didn't get
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Mr Y 17-09-2021 21:15so who already solved what needs to be done?
8 48
ASdi 17-09-2021 18:40Most likely, spend Runic coins+Gold+Soul Shards, i got it that way, and or loyality pts
0 0
Foxy 17-09-2021 17:28It has nothing to do with the coins you spend. I did something different and got it.
0 0
Pankaj 17-09-2021 18:31What u did
8 8
Cgg 17-09-2021 17:45You just spent a million runic coins
I will post if I get it in three hours because I know two who spent runic coins and got the achievement
16 16
Cgg 17-09-2021 16:59The new achievement is to spend runic coins
0 0
now 17-09-2021 17:18Runic coins is a good guess. Since lower leveled players seem to be getting it the new gems are out of the question. I still am wondering if the gems maybe something to think and pay attention to.

Un - kingdom 241
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sage 17-09-2021 18:33I spent 3M runics and didn't get it
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Rebel 17-09-2021 17:12My clanmate just bought the town skin and no achievement
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niels veile 17-09-2021 11:54I was in top ten in 3 events maybe thats an idea of how to get this achievement,
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Hades 17-09-2021 14:12i have been too but no achievement to me
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Vladimír 17-09-2021 03:12it may also be related to the destruction of barracks
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O.o 16-09-2021 19:41One of my clan ate got it through doing Knowledge using approximately 100m souls shards and train approx 100m T7,
Hope it helps
0 0
Doomed 16-09-2021 20:41I have it and didn't spend near 100 million shards
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O.o 17-09-2021 03:49Just saying... It would narrow down whats done before achievements
0 0
Doomed 17-09-2021 07:32No it's good the more answers we combine the better I spent 20 million shards and did my training for CVC and that was like 100 milliont7s

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