Unity of Three

Secret achievementYes

 1 Lvl.2 Lvl.3 Lvl.4 Lvl.5 Lvl.6 Lvl.7 Lvl.8 Lvl.9 Lvl.10 Lvl.11 Lvl.12 Lvl.13 Lvl.14 Lvl.15 Lvl.Total
Minimum level of the Palace111111111111111 
Reward (Gold)10M24M37.5M52.5M71M98M145M210M325M500M550M650M750M850M1B5.27B
Number of Warriors in Training10%15%30%55%90%130%185%250%320%400%440%520%600%680%800%800%
Infirmary Capacity10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%110%130%150%170%200%200%
Number of Warriors on a March10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%110%120%130%140%150%150%
How to get 
Get → Use: Gold + Soul Shard + Runic Coin10М+ 10М+ 100К25М+ 25М+ 400К50М+ 50М+ 700К75М+ 75М+ 1M200М+ 200М+ 2M300M+ 300M+ 3M500M+ 500M+ 3M750M+ 750M+ 3.5M1B+ 1B+ 6M       


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0 16
#525, Фулкрум 07-10-2021 15:41Update about the required gold for the 2nd level. It is definitely not 25. It is between 40 and 50M . I had 39 this morning, after the CvC personal rewards. Ntohing came after 3 hours. I got 3 more millions and now I have it. However, these 42M are won after the game update on 30 Sep afternoon (when update came and Nibelungs started to count), but my earned gold for the Unity of the three is more than 42, because here is not added the gold which I won from all 15 CP in the CvC eneded on 30 Sep morning. So, most probably required gold is 45 or 50, but definitely not 25.
Please update the score table.
Thank you.
8 0
Info for Help 06-10-2021 09:03It's just luck of the draw HELP. They will pop up ever so often, nothing you can do to be certain of getting it.
8 8
Help 06-10-2021 07:35I know this is not the place but can someone tell me how to get Beowulf gear in the nodes
0 0
Spence 12-10-2021 20:43You manually have to play each node and you will find beo gear in coffers
0 8
hhh 05-10-2021 05:49need info on lvl 4
0 0
vas 05-10-2021 04:17for lvl4 I spent 500m/160m/2m. I am sure that these are to much but this was in line with my needs
0 16
#525, Фулкрум 04-10-2021 21:55any idea what is wrong with my Unity of the three second level achievement? I spent 450K coins, won more than 600k coins, spent more than 250M and earned 28M + gold, same with the shards, spent and earned more than 30 M but I still can't get a second level...
0 16
Jamessheldon444 06-10-2021 03:58Same. Since I got level 1, I've earned 58m shards and spent 46m, earned 48m gold and spent 30.8m, and earned 685k coins (not counting the freebie from Plarium) and spent 3m. Still nothing.
0 0
Grey 02-10-2021 03:43Got lvl 3 - believe it to be 70/70/700
0 16
Jamessheldon444 01-10-2021 21:40I've kept meticulous detail about how much of each I've spent and earned since I got level 1. Just over 30m of the shards and gold, and 3m coins spent (town skin) and over 400k earned. Haven't gotten level 2 yet.
8 0
Princess Antandra 01-10-2021 18:38Level 2 is revised downwards today so you were correct
0 24
Grey 29-09-2021 14:29I only spent 30.273M shards to get lvl2. So something is not correct with the 50/50/400k requirement.
16 0
Mac 30-09-2021 20:03i also think it's more like 20/20/200 for lvl2
0 24
MAD 30-09-2021 04:56I only spend 20m shards and indd not 50m
0 8
Spence 29-09-2021 21:13I thought it was 30m shards 30m gold 300k coins. I got level two but it was like 2 days after I did all that.

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