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gghgg 15-09-2021 22:59Have X troops training while + have X troops healing while + send X troops out to fight
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Matt 16-09-2021 17:46I can assure you I had done pretty much none of that before I received the achievement. I did train some troops, upgraded some knowledge and upgraded some barracks.
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Vladimír 17-09-2021 03:11it may also be related to the destruction of barracks
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now 15-09-2021 22:425 barracks upgraded does not make is it called unity of three then...should it now be unity of five if it has to do with the 5 barracks?
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Matt 16-09-2021 17:45I only stated the last thing I had done before logging off for the night. Then when I got on 6 hours later it was there. I had also trained some troops. I can forsure say I didn't train any t8 troops. I had also upgraded some knowledge. No need to be a smart ass about it.
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now 17-09-2021 17:24Please forgive me if I offended you. I was not being a smart ass. I was just pointing out that the name of these acheivements normally give some clue or hint. Since this one is unity of 3 my guess would be it has to be something with combining 3 or doing 3 things not five.

By the way I tried the 5 barracks and did not get it. So 5 barracks is not the answer in any case.

Un - kingdom 241
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Laura 15-09-2021 23:33if a requirement is doing something 3x and you do it 100x then you have completed the reqiurement. He just stated what he did. What he remembers doing but also have to remember Everything you did since the upgrade. If 3 things probably 3 different things and maybe the building upgrade was the final piece of the puzzle
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Laura 15-09-2021 23:36Just like every new secret achievement we go through the process of trying to figure it out. We go through the process of trying to remember everything we did and also eliminate what others did but you didnt do until we have the right combination. Then its finding the combination for level 2.
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Matt 15-09-2021 22:05I upgraded 5 barracks to level 36, then 3 hours later I received this achievement.
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bush 15-09-2021 19:00i think it's about do smothing with gold or train troops but may be t7 or t8
this will coast alot so the gold rewards is fine for it ..
but it work or not iam not sure but this only what i think it's about golr and train t7 or t8
so let's try some amount of this and that and let us see if it work or not ????
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Sekai saikyo 15-09-2021 14:29I think you need to have three specific new gems that were added in game.
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Laura 15-09-2021 18:30The new gems need lvl 40. My friend has it and lvl 39 town. So new gems are nit it.
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timberwolf 15-09-2021 12:38Thinking it may have to do with health,offence,defence. May be the gem's matching in gear. But just a guess
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Matt 15-09-2021 22:06I upgraded 5 barracks to level 36 then received this achievement.
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Sage 16-09-2021 21:38you are really sure that is what it is.. unfortunately my barracks are already lvl 36.. so I hope that isn't it.. would mean torching and doing it again
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Matt 16-09-2021 23:57No clue if that's what it is. But I think upgrading your barracks might have something to do with it. I also think training troops and possibly knowledge might as well. I doubt the level of the barracks matters much.
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Hades 15-09-2021 14:22Good quess
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Hades 15-09-2021 12:22Any idea how it done?
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Matt 15-09-2021 22:07I upgraded 5 barracks to level 5 then 3 hours later this achievement appeared. Don't know if thats it but it was the last thing i did.
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King Elzebob 17-09-2021 20:00matt what palace are you, because if you are lower than lvl 32 we can eliminate t7

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