The Art of War

Secret achievementYes

 1 Lvl.2 Lvl.3 Lvl.4 Lvl.5 Lvl.6 Lvl.7 Lvl.8 Lvl.9 Lvl.10 Lvl.11 Lvl.12 Lvl.13 Lvl.14 Lvl.15 Lvl.Total
Minimum level of the Palace262728293031323334353637383940 
Reward (Gold)3M8.4M14M19.5M25M30.5M37M46M63M100M110M130M150M170M200M1.11B
Total Offense5%10%15%20%25%30%35%40%45%50%55%65%75%85%100%100%
Total Health5%10%15%20%25%30%35%40%45%50%55%65%75%85%100%100%
Total Defense5%10%15%20%25%30%35%40%45%50%55%65%75%85%100%100%
How to get 
Get → Apply Boosts: 10-Minute Troop Enlargement, 3250% + 10-Minute Increased Offense, 500% + 10-Minute Increased Defense, 500%51015203030+40+50 / 50+40+3050+60+70 / 70+60+5070+80+90 / 90+80+7090+110+130 / 130+110+90200+220+240 / 240+220+200????? 


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ITsavant 25-06-2021 12:16Just did a clean test on alt.
applied 5 of each boosts from helheim and attacked empty town. After that farmed 5 of each boosts in helheim and in 3-4 hours I received level 1.

So to put it in 1 sentence. Farm 5 of each and spend 5 of each with attack or defence.
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Rhodri 26-06-2021 18:14How many checkpoints did you pass in competitions while boosted?
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Glenn 25-06-2021 15:23I used 5 or more of each 3 in a SH Seige, then went in to Helheim and collected 7 x 3250% and got level 1.
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ITsavant 25-06-2021 15:56It accumulates over time. It has to be at least 5 of each farmed and spent. Not at the same time. You can do one a day and still get it when reach needed amount.
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Tiyr 25-06-2021 01:29I tried using 12x 3250+500+500 in siege, didn't get lvl 2
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Jacek 24-06-2021 06:27Bob and King - I think both of you are right it is about using helhaim boosts and then collecting them - perhaps a fight and killing and loosing some troops in between :)
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KING 24-06-2021 11:12I work on lvl 5
I collected 43 off 33 def 37 3250 so far. I used 30 each still no lvl 5.
I collect more.
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Mauler 25-06-2021 19:05The boosts used only count after you have collected the correct number of boosts. So if you used any boosts while you were collecting, they will not count.
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KING 26-06-2021 04:11Ur right fort collect part need to be done then use counts
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ekjf 23-06-2021 22:28Its about double stacking 3250%boosts and 500% boosts stacked 5x each one at same time and killing with certain amount of troops.
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Ghost lord 24-06-2021 23:35I got it on two accounts without killing anything other than a ghost or invader, no siege, no healing.
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Bbb 23-06-2021 19:23It has nothing to do with using these big boosts..more about collecting them.thats why you get achievement when hours later from attacks etc achieve recieved. Its coincidental. You only need to collect from hellheim a certain number of each of these boosts to upgrade next lvl achievement
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KING 23-06-2021 21:24I collected like 35x each BB and still no lvl 5.
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chapo 23-06-2021 15:53confirmed for lv1 I did 3 boosts of 500% off, 3 boosts of 500% def and 3 boost 3250%. Did not killed anything and got it. Im going for lv 2.
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Muradin 23-06-2021 10:07I just picked up lv2. I fought It is actively fight kill trups. But When I read Yours coments think it must be about Boosts 3325 500 I am using often and I did Use few hours ago. Now I just had so I cen verified.
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KING 23-06-2021 09:40Art of War
You guys have to farm Big Bonuses in Helheim
Def Off and 3250 (amounts for each lvl idk yet)
You also have to use Def Off 3250 Big Bonuses.
You don't need to use all at once.
I think it goes like this:
Farm each BB 5x and Use each BB 5x
Farm each BB 10x and Use each BB 10x
Lvl 3
Farm each BB 15x and Use each BB 15x
Farm 20x
Use 20x
And so on
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RHODRI 23-06-2021 10:30Level 1 I got about an hour after Holmgang on both accts, boosted the whole time, constantly farmed HH prior to relocating to isle of trials, but not during, aesir on constantly. Comp check points maxed.

L2 on Main acct during SH Siege during CVC, boosted with HH bonuses for two hours, HH farming constantly before none during Siege, aesirs on constant, just defending the SH no attacking, mass check points on various competitions... L2 recieved a few hours later..

L2 on Alt acct...only hit towns with HH boosts for an hour or so at a time, aesirs on constantly, L2 recieved the following morning, farmed nodes as much as pssible prior to and during. Got OS'd and zero'd out, mass checkpoints flooded in.

L3 Main acct, during Jot, HH bonuses on for a couple hrs constant, aesir on constant, Node farming constant b4 none during, attacked the throne in OS 3 times, mass checkpoints within an hr, recieved L3 several hrs later.

Weirdness...Alt acct L3, 1 attack of 100 troops, boosted with HH bonuses for 3 hours, NO aesir, constant node farming before and after, 2.5 days later recieved L3 about 5 hours after getting 6 Checkpoints from Clan comp checkpoints.
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RHODRI 23-06-2021 10:09Im pretty sure reaching checkpoints is includes also. I used 19 (overboard im sure) of each HH bonus, constantly farmed HH nodes over the next 2.5 days, (maybe 30ish nodes), then during CVC got 6 checkpoints within an hour from clan competitions, then 5 hrs later got level 3. Only did 1 attack with 100 troops.
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KING 23-06-2021 10:21At least those what I wrote need to be done.
Soon we will see
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RHODRI 23-06-2021 10:31I will try what you suggested on L4 and report back. Thanks
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KING 25-06-2021 14:53I got
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Somebody 23-06-2021 09:14About 2 lvl you need 10 boosts max on 500 % and 35 %
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Wil 23-06-2021 00:34The achievement is 2 parts . Acquire the boosts and use the boosts. This is confirmed by many people. Lvl 1 is 5 each. Lvl 2 is 10 each
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Dale 23-06-2021 07:41For clarity, do you need to acquire all new boosts before using them? I already have a few dozen or each. If I used 5 of each that I've had for weeks, will it work or is everyone acquiring new boosts and using those?
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gghgg 23-06-2021 00:42but do you use them 1 and 1 and build up over time or do you *need* to use them all together

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