The Art of War

Secret achievementYes

 1 Lvl.2 Lvl.3 Lvl.4 Lvl.5 Lvl.6 Lvl.7 Lvl.8 Lvl.9 Lvl.10 Lvl.11 Lvl.12 Lvl.13 Lvl.14 Lvl.15 Lvl.Total
Minimum level of the Palace262728293031323334353637383940 
Reward (Gold)3M8.4M14M19.5M25M30.5M37M46M63M100M110M130M150M170M200M1.11B
Total Offense5%10%15%20%25%30%35%40%45%50%55%65%75%85%100%100%
Total Health5%10%15%20%25%30%35%40%45%50%55%65%75%85%100%100%
Total Defense5%10%15%20%25%30%35%40%45%50%55%65%75%85%100%100%
How to get 
Get → Apply Boosts: 10-Minute Troop Enlargement, 3250% + 10-Minute Increased Offense, 500% + 10-Minute Increased Defense, 500%51015203030+40+50 / 50+40+3050+60+70 / 70+60+5070+80+90 / 90+80+7090+110+130 / 130+110+90200+220+240 / 240+220+200????? 


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8 8
Gene 04-07-2021 02:49i got lvl 1 on 2 accounts just by activating 5 of each hh boost. testing 10 each for lvl 2 will know in 2hr20mins.
0 8
#818, Taurasch 03-07-2021 11:13I have incomplete HH. After 20 passes in the evening I've got the 1st level achievment in the morning without any activation of boosts, neither defs or attacks.
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Teghan 09-07-2021 20:30I also got it running HH but I also only applied two of each except marching size that day and still got it
8 0
#818, Taurasch 03-07-2021 11:11Первый уровень получил без атак, защит и активаций бустов. У меня нео*** хельхайм и после где-то 20 проходов вечером на утро прилетела ачивка.
0 16
Peter 03-07-2021 07:56Earn 5x 500% offense, 5x 500% defense and 5x 3250% troops in helheim, then use 5 of each. That's all. As with all secret achievements, log off for at least 3 hours
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Toni 03-07-2021 22:55Do you need to attack town?
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Jamessheldon444 06-07-2021 20:37No. You don't need to do anything.
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bBEAST 03-07-2021 00:40Okay guys just explain me how to get this achievement. My palace level is 30
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casual joe 04-07-2021 17:58you dont need it xd
16 0
MRC 02-07-2021 00:39Anyone get lvl 6 yet? I stacked 30 of each for SH Seige last night and didnt get it, I hope I dont have to get 30 achievements from HH but that might be it.
0 16
KING 03-07-2021 17:59I'm lvl 6
I got it at 50 each
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Merissa 07-07-2021 04:32Farming n using?
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casual joe 04-07-2021 17:59i was wondering why i cant get lv6
but ok gonna farm more
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Мишка 01-07-2021 22:56LvL 1- farm 5 of each big boost and use 5 of each big boost. You don't have to farm first or use first, just farm/use the required total amount.
0 1
Me 01-07-2021 18:47What should I do for this achievement
8 0
asd 01-07-2021 11:27question.

Do you first collect a certain amount of boosts before you use them? Or can collecting and using be on the same time?

I colleced 5 boosts and used 5 afterwards (not by attack, just applied them) and i did got nothing. Town 35, hero 68
0 0
Мишка 01-07-2021 22:59You can use and collect simultaneously.
You must use 5 of each and farm 5 of each for level 1. So that's actually 15 used and 15 farmed for level 1.
0 0
foilbeany 01-07-2021 07:47Find boosts in HH and use boosts in sure of exact numbers, but all I've been doing is exploring HH and doing SH sieges...I'm up to lvl 3.

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