The Art of War

Secret achievementYes

 1 Lvl.2 Lvl.3 Lvl.4 Lvl.5 Lvl.6 Lvl.7 Lvl.8 Lvl.9 Lvl.10 Lvl.11 Lvl.12 Lvl.13 Lvl.14 Lvl.15 Lvl.Total
Minimum level of the Palace262728293031323334353637383940 
Reward (Gold)3M8.4M14M19.5M25M30.5M37M46M63M100M110M130M150M170M200M1.11B
Total Offense5%10%15%20%25%30%35%40%45%50%55%65%75%85%100%100%
Total Health5%10%15%20%25%30%35%40%45%50%55%65%75%85%100%100%
Total Defense5%10%15%20%25%30%35%40%45%50%55%65%75%85%100%100%
How to get 
Get → Apply Boosts: 10-Minute Troop Enlargement, 3250% + 10-Minute Increased Offense, 500% + 10-Minute Increased Defense, 500%51015203030+40+50 / 50+40+3050+60+70 / 70+60+5070+80+90 / 90+80+7090+110+130 / 130+110+90200+220+240 / 240+220+200????? 


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Koura 10-07-2021 14:44Nameless - thank you so much for the tips on farming HH - I'm farming the 9th floor with good results - and now I have the 10th floor as a backup to continue farming for the boosts.
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TheWolf 12-07-2021 03:15You can go back and farm any floor/node you have completed with 1 to 3 stars. I've found for best results to farm ones with 3 stars and do a full 10 run on those floors/nodes.
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Koura 10-07-2021 01:59About 10 days (give or take) before I farmed HH and got the boosts I needed to get "The Art of War" - I did stack 5 of each and then stacked 5 again and attack an empty town. I may have done it a third time trying to figure out this achievement - can't remember. So maybe activating and stacking those boosts that long ago counted towards the requirements to eventually get the achievement much later after farming HH and getting the boosts???
0 24
Nameless 09-07-2021 22:48Lvl 1 is farm and use 5x 500% offence and 500% defence and 500% 3250 troop size. Lvl 2 is 10 of each and 3 15 of each. Doesn't seem to matter if you use then collect the required amount or collect then use. Also for collecting Boosts from HH f10n7 gives troop size 10.6 gives defence and 10.5 gives offence and 10.4 back to troop size and continues in that pattern.
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Koura 09-07-2021 14:04The last 2 months Ive been working on Floor 10 Node 7 in Helheim. It only gives me 3250's. So maybe you do need to farm 5 of each boost and I had a few boosts that counted when Plarium added this new achievement. So when I decided to farm different floors today - that must have given me the boosts I needed to complete lvl one. But one thing Im absolutely positive about - I did not use them to attack anyone or activate them by stacking 5 of each. When I learned about this achievement, I tried many different ways of activating them, stacking them 5 each etc and stacking them and attacking. The only thing I accomplished was - I wasted a lot of boosts.
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Nameless 09-07-2021 22:51It's cumulative 😁
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Tig 15-07-2021 04:50Yeah you have to accumulate and use. No order but numbers! So you used then accumulate, same thing.
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Koura 09-07-2021 13:22I was farming boosts in Helheim today. I got:
3250% - x4
500% Def. - x4
500% Off. - x9

I logged out and back in to see if my Events page would update. Sometimes I have to do that. And I ended up getting "The Art of War" lvl one achievement. I didnt farm 5 of each. I didnt stack 5 of each and use them. I didnt drop my shield or attack anything. I simply got it by accident farming Helheim and restarting my acct.
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Tig 15-07-2021 04:51It's cumulative over time
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Nameless 09-07-2021 22:49If you upgraded palace and claimed the jarls coffer then the ones in those count towards total needed and lvl 36 coffer gives 5x 500% offence and defence boosts and lvl 37 gives 25x 3250 troop size
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GENE 08-07-2021 15:10Thanks Edward Idk you could do that thanks bro
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EDWARD 07-07-2021 01:38easy go back there do in auto mode 10 times one node fl 10
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Gene 06-07-2021 17:27Kinda sucks for us players that finished Helheim early and use those boosts before the achievement was available kinda bs I would say
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TheWolf 06-07-2021 18:53You can make more, just use 1k and rerun some of the floors/nodes.
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Antandra 05-07-2021 23:17Ok here is the achievement
Find boosters in helheim & use them. Does not matter the order or if you do it at same time.
Level 1 is 5 of each, level 2 is 10 of each
Level 3 is 15 of each, level 4 is 20 of each , level 5 is 30 of each...
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Mike 12-07-2021 05:0430 each did not get me lv5, its been 7 hours since i used them
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Nameless 09-07-2021 22:50Don't know why people put thumbs down when this is what has worked for me too
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Glenn 11-07-2021 09:28Because it doesn't work in all scenarios, i got level one without trying and then followed the steps(10 of ea, collected and used) for level 2, and still nothing...
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Tori 05-07-2021 01:58Got level 1 today. Farmed about 6 boosts this morning. Total I have now 8 troop, 3 off and 4 def. I did not activate any of them.
0 16
Tori 05-07-2021 02:10It could be a combo of collecting and using, but I have not used a boost since last siege. cvc. I am thinking it is cumulative.

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