The Art of War

Secret achievementYes

 1 Lvl.2 Lvl.3 Lvl.4 Lvl.5 Lvl.6 Lvl.7 Lvl.8 Lvl.9 Lvl.10 Lvl.11 Lvl.12 Lvl.13 Lvl.14 Lvl.15 Lvl.Total
Minimum level of the Palace262728293031323334353637383940 
Reward (Gold)3M8.4M14M19.5M25M30.5M37M46M63M100M110M130M150M170M200M1.11B
Total Offense5%10%15%20%25%30%35%40%45%50%55%65%75%85%100%100%
Total Health5%10%15%20%25%30%35%40%45%50%55%65%75%85%100%100%
Total Defense5%10%15%20%25%30%35%40%45%50%55%65%75%85%100%100%
How to get 
Get → Apply Boosts: 10-Minute Troop Enlargement, 3250% + 10-Minute Increased Offense, 500% + 10-Minute Increased Defense, 500%51015203030+40+50 / 50+40+3050+60+70 / 70+60+5070+80+90 / 90+80+7090+110+130 / 130+110+90200+220+240 / 240+220+200????? 


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Bawe nmr 14-09-2021 13:31Level four update, I most certainly didnt NOT farm 20 of each boosts and I got the avchebement to level four after applying a bunch during a sh siege I was counting and a few short of each obe of farming 20 boosts I was counting
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Государство 13-09-2021 04:12Use 1 each then Defence or offence, wait for it to expire then use another. It can be done in many days you dont have to use it at once.
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Государство 13-09-2021 04:0945 works for lvl6
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Государство 13-09-2021 04:095 works for lvl 1,just dont spam them Needlessly.
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Miranda 11-09-2021 08:10I did 10 of each, but did defense before attack, was that a mistake? Have been waiting 3 hrs logged on n off, nothing yet.. it's 5 hrs ago?
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Max 12-09-2021 19:12SAME WTF it didnt work....
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Sleepy 12-09-2021 19:25Did you apply and FIND 10 of each after achieveing level 1? I know the block above only says apply, but it is apply and find. And both parts have to be done after each level is achieved - receiving the boosts as rewards counts if received during this time period. Any boosts earned outside of the time frame don't count for your current level.
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Max 13-09-2021 19:56Ive earned over 100 each in Helheim and used for L2 10/10/10 2 times now and its still not working after a waitingtime of 24hrs. The f*** support wrote me a silly answer and they said its a secret knowledge and only Odin know.....etc. Sh1t plarium!!
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Sleepy 14-09-2021 01:06I personally still think attacking something is a part of it. Go hit a few dead towns with at least two different level troops and see if that works. I always use different level troops for attacks in addition to finding/using the boosts.
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Sleepy 12-09-2021 05:56The order doesn't matter. I do Defense before Offense all the time and I've already achieved level 7.
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DIE BY FIRE 10-09-2021 23:46Did 15 of each yet level 3 achievement wasn't given to me
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Blackstar8 08-09-2021 01:28Kill 7,000 t7 while they were active tho
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Blackstar8 08-09-2021 01:27I used 3 of each and got lvl 1
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Zeppelin 05-09-2021 06:53Here is how i got level 3. after the update that gave me 20 of each boost. First I clicked on the troop expansion. clicked the more tab and typed in 15 and clicked it on. Second I did the same thing for the Offense. Third, I did the same thing for the Defense. logged off and on. waited 3 hours. nothing. logged off and on again. Achiement showed up.
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xxx 03-09-2021 00:13I DID ONLY TASK NO BOOST GOT LEVEL 1
BUT I UPGRADED vip level

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