The Art of War

Secret achievementYes

 1 Lvl.2 Lvl.3 Lvl.4 Lvl.5 Lvl.6 Lvl.7 Lvl.8 Lvl.9 Lvl.10 Lvl.11 Lvl.12 Lvl.13 Lvl.14 Lvl.15 Lvl.Total
Minimum level of the Palace262728293031323334353637383940 
Reward (Gold)3M8.4M14M19.5M25M30.5M37M46M63M100M110M130M150M170M200M1.11B
Total Offense5%10%15%20%25%30%35%40%45%50%55%65%75%85%100%100%
Total Health5%10%15%20%25%30%35%40%45%50%55%65%75%85%100%100%
Total Defense5%10%15%20%25%30%35%40%45%50%55%65%75%85%100%100%
How to get 
Get → Apply Boosts: 10-Minute Troop Enlargement, 3250% + 10-Minute Increased Offense, 500% + 10-Minute Increased Defense, 500%51015203030+40+50 / 50+40+3050+60+70 / 70+60+5070+80+90 / 90+80+7090+110+130 / 130+110+90200+220+240 / 240+220+200????? 


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0 8
Koura 17-12-2021 04:24Im now ready for lvl 6. I'm reading two different ideas in chat on how to get lvls 6 - 10.

Option #1 - The first set of numbers you farm (or collect) and the second set of numbers you activate and use.
Option #2 - You farm (or collect) and activate and use - both sets of numbers independently.

Which one is it?
8 64
Koura 25-12-2021 12:05This is one of those times that Im glad I didnt listen to what I read in chat. As I stated before - a player who's on lvl 9 told me it was 50 each. So I farmed 50 each from Helheim - I stacked them all and activated them - and attacked and reset my acct. I got lvl 6. I have no idea why this page is dispalying 30+40+50 / 50+40+30 for lvl 6. Thats 80 boosts each. I just farmed 50 each and used them and got it. There is no doubt, 50+50+50..... that"s it.
0 0
Koura 07-01-2022 12:27I just got lvl 7. It's confirmed, 65-65-65. I actually farmed and used them and try to get it at 60-60-60. It wouldn't give it to me until I reached 65 each.
8 0
Brooke 30-12-2021 01:57Yes you are right some of these numbers seem high, I don't believe I farmed that many for level 6 or 7 either, buti can 100% say i got level 8 with less that this many farmed, I didn't track what I used but I only farmed 80 of the offence and 81 defence and was nearing 50 of troop number and got it yesterday after running a siege, maybe someone can track what they use too because it doesn't actually take this many
0 8
Koura 20-12-2021 19:59Now Im being told something completely different. Someone who's on lvl 9 said that lvl 6 is 50 each.
0 8
Koura 17-12-2021 19:15So many players have gotten passed lvl 6 - someone has to know how this achievement actually works.
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Lynn 16-12-2021 19:50Level 6-10 can some explain this.
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õõõ 28-12-2021 11:32Lvl 10 was 200 or 220 of each
0 0
Sleepy 14-12-2021 08:30Do the Boosts you can now purchase in the Helhiem Store count?
16 0
proper69 16-12-2021 19:31yes
8 8
Dissillusioned 30-11-2021 22:49i can confirm lvl 9 is as stated in the table (above), i.e.:
get 90/110/130
use 130/110/90.
0 56
Bleys 537 29-11-2021 04:29I used 5 of each and got the first achievement, But even though I've used about 50 since I never got the second level. What's the trick that they left out?
0 16
Freydis 18-12-2021 01:11Same here, Bleys537
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Spence 10-11-2021 22:43What is level 10?
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õõõ 28-12-2021 11:33200 or 220 of each
16 40
Jamessheldon444 11-11-2021 04:30Most likely add 20 of each to lvl 9. I just got the pattern for lvl 7 to work.
0 0
Spence 05-11-2021 22:30Can anyone tell me do you have to save up then use all at once or can you use as you get and will count?
0 0
Koura 17-12-2021 04:00You can save them up and use them all at once to get the achievement - or - you can use them as you go. However, each time you use one set - I would restart the game. Not sure if you have too - but I would. I do it all at once and restart the game. I know a player that activates one set at a time as he needs them in the game. And we both get the achievement.
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Sleepy 06-11-2021 07:49Use them and find them as you want - so long as you only count the ones found/used for that specific level.
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seajess 01-11-2021 04:53What does the "/" mean in the box listing the number of boosts needed?
0 8
Sleepy 08-11-2021 20:07Best guess? They are saying that you have to find 30 of the 3250%, 40 of the Offense, and 50 of the Defense. And then use 50 of the 3250%, 40 of the Offense and 30 of the Defense. I just found and used 50 of each and it worked.
48 0
mystic 08-11-2021 07:31it means you have to do two rounds ... so.. you do 30, 40, amd 50.. then you have do do a second set, 50, 40, 30
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#8, Richard 28-10-2021 01:45did 2nd 1 but got it weeks later
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#8, Richard 28-10-2021 01:46sorry 3rd 1
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Emma 27-10-2021 17:11I got mine up to 5 I did 20 of 3 boosts and got it

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