Conqueror of Bifrost

Secret achievementYes

 1 Lvl.2 Lvl.3 Lvl.4 Lvl.5 Lvl.6 Lvl.7 Lvl.Total
Minimum level of the Palace32343637383940 
Reward (Gold)3M9.3M16M22M29.5M42M78.5M200.3M
Total Offense2%8%15%21%29%42%80%80%
How to get 
1.Combine the required number of stones to the legend
2. Wear a shield for the required number of weeks
3. Remove the shield through the attack with the achievement of the attacked target
x 5
Peace Treaty, 7 Days x 2
x 10
Peace Treaty, 7 Days x 5
x 25
Peace Treaty, 7 Days x 10
x 50
Peace Treaty, 7 Days x 20
x 10
Peace Treaty, 7 Days x 25
Peace Treaty, 7 Days x 40
x 75
Peace Treaty, 7 Days x 75


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Black 12-01-2025 13:25Could the shield be more than those weeks or a must 75 weeks
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Twisted 19-08-2024 01:22Hi, done this a few times no results :-/
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Dawn 18degrees 12-10-2024 22:46You're not doing it right
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Jose 05-04-2024 09:00Hi my Workshop is at Level 40. Explain the various levels 2:to 7 of EPIC gems to Legendary status. For level 1 I had at 1 of the required epic gems across 4 or 5 areas going left to right and VIP click once to fuse each area. Explain the process for levels 2 to 7 going left to right and click VIP for each area to fuse . As level 1 went pretty fast from left to right just 1 time.
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Jose Carrillo 19-06-2024 08:04Update got to the last level. In the Workshop a hack is if you have 0 gems on the first circle click the second circle and get to the EPIC cicle wait on that circle till accumulate enough gems to get to the required Legendary gems.
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Paul 30-03-2024 18:36Can someone explain how to do this please, struggling to understand the instructions & what needs to be done.
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Wintershaven resident 31-03-2024 16:07how to get achievement for bifrost. Lvl one, you would fuse 5 garnets to legendary then drop your shield by attacking empty town. Once you do that, you shield your town by the number of weeks it tells you. First level you would shield 2 weeks. 3 hours you have your achievement and then can move on to the next one. Can not fuse these ahead, has to be done right before you drop shield for that gem fusion. So second level, you would fuse 10 opals to legendary, attack a town, shield for 5 weeks. Hope this helps, it's an easy achievement.
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English 03-10-2023 14:04I have tried 3 times but cannot get lvl 4. Please help.
I have more than 231 Peridot and a shield more than 20 weeks. I attack the enemy stronghold troops. I lose. But I cannot get the achievement.
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Daimon 16-11-2023 11:50Hit a ghost town not a stronghold.
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english 11-09-2023 06:02a case of palarium screwing the lower players yet again this game is geered for the higher money paying players every one else gets shafted what a joke words fail me i for one is saying goodbye to this corrupt game and more of you should do the same bye
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Thomas 23-07-2023 23:29In July 2023 the requirements for palace level were changed. Prior to July 2023, level 2 could be achieved by palace 24. Level 3 at palace 26. Level 6 by 32. Level 7 by palace 34. Maybe lower, but those can be verified by simply checking the JoT leaderboards by league. Those players get to keep their achievements. Everyone else who wants to play at a lower palace level gets screwed.
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Murry 20-07-2023 14:08The table needs an update. My palace is 37, but i got the lvl 7 bifrost.
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Honza 12-07-2023 00:21For bifrost lvl 7 you need palace lvl 40.
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Kjs 05-03-2023 23:53What is level 8 and above?