
Secret achievementYes

 1 Lvl.2 Lvl.3 Lvl.4 Lvl.5 Lvl.6 Lvl.7 Lvl.8 Lvl.9 Lvl.10 Lvl.Total
Minimum level of the Palace18303334353637383940 
Reward (Gold)25K1.15M2.1M13M17.5M26M50M20M50M150M329.78M
Scout Offense During an Attack2%3%5%6%8%11%20%30%100%175%175%
How to get 
Go to coordinates0:01:11:5121:102320:12256:517256:1023416:353255:825


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dzudas 07-08-2022 12:10I'm still at palace level 29 but i was able to do level 5 long time back
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Jeremy Devereaux 27-07-2022 13:05yesterday I spotted for lvl 1 in enemy kingdom while still got cvc time. That spot in my kingdom is taken by plarium creation player. Then that I spotted for lvl 1 and I leave the game till next morning. Then didn’t happens anything. So how we can that?? I see all the comments some are happened and some still not. Game give correct. We are wrong something. But they will give if we did it correct. We can ask at support to solve for us
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CEM 30-07-2022 17:32First check your palace level each level has different palace levels all u need to stay 20 second than move after 3 hours you will have it good luck
0 9
John 26-07-2022 08:20It seems plarium is not interested in fair play as stated as a player has been sitting on the Lvl5 checkpoint and has not visited the game for 96weeks 5 days accordind to his profile. Also I am sure hiis name is against the rules also as it is offensive to many players.
Other checkpoints are also blocked by players to prevent a fair chance for every other player. Plarium needs to support its players and uphold its own rules to ensure a fair enjoyable game to att. The plarium team does have the means at their disposal to rectify this.
1 5
CanOpener 12-08-2022 02:03When sitting in pioneer spots your shield should auto drop after an hour and it should be treated just like the forrest aroung the POP. When you get hit, you get teleported elswhere. It's an easy fix if plarium wants to fix the issue.
1 3
Peter Kenneth Cridland 27-07-2022 08:10Agree - I had a coordinate yesterday, where the player´s time since last visit was around 8-9 weeks, BUT ; when I maked a Guard Pay Off, I get shocked : The player´s shield was set for October 2027 ! ! !
-But then I caught it in CvC tonight in the opponent´s KD instead.
-I hope that you have read ´The News Of The North´ - when we will reach August, Plarium has birthday (7 years), and offer us to get Pioneer upgraded as a gift from 1. - 8. August ! - Players who already has upgraded all levels of Pioneer, can get 1.000.000 Runic Coins instead, and both ways requires, that you shall follow a link to form through The Official Facebook Community, The Discord Channel, or The Forum ! - You shall use your Plarium-ID to make the procedure !

Have a nice day !

PKC The Viking No 1
0 2
Earp, Wyatt 03-10-2022 08:56I wished I had known about it. But cancer surgery to remove my left eye was more important and life saving.
I have tried a lot to get the level 9 pioneer. Then I just decided to give up on ever getting.
I have also not been playing very much anymore and refuse to buy in packages over $5-$10. never again spend more $40 a month.
Its ashame that players are quitting the game because of how unfair it has gotten. Only those willing to pump hundreds or thousands a month into gets any benefits
0 1
Mamagueb0 16-07-2022 09:34I was on 255:825 in Asgard and doesn't take level 9. Any help for level 9?
0 8
Olaf 13-07-2022 20:38Isn't creating a second account just to leave it on a spot needed to complete the Pioneer achievemant a violation of the In-Game-Rules section 2.5 where it says it's a violation for "creating obstacles for the comfortable playing experience of other Users" and "Creation and/or use of a primary and/or additional Account to hinder other Users' enjoyment of the Gprevent other players from using the Game's functionality by exploiting specific features..."?
4 6
Theresa 19-06-2022 23:26How do you complete this achievement if there is a player on the tile and won't move or inactive?
1 3
Craig 27-05-2022 00:37Level ten is a tile next to a level 1 tower so you can't get it alone, you'll need your clan to help take the tower then defend it while you all jump on it in turn.
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Yyy 21-05-2022 04:00249:472 lvl 10 In Asgard
1 4
Yyy 21-05-2022 04:00Sorry 279:472
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TheWolf 21-05-2022 12:58Proof or it didn't happen... where is the screenshot?
2 7
yes 22-05-2022 19:40Proof
2 1
TheWolf 23-05-2022 10:28That is no proof, stupid post.
1 0
Try to 20-05-2022 20:15I got lvl 5 in jotunheim
0 0
Try to 20-05-2022 20:14I landed on 256 1023 in as guard for lvl 7 will it work!

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