
Secret achievementYes

 1 Lvl.2 Lvl.3 Lvl.4 Lvl.5 Lvl.6 Lvl.7 Lvl.8 Lvl.9 Lvl.10 Lvl.Total
Minimum level of the Palace18303334353637383940 
Reward (Gold)25K1.15M2.1M13M17.5M26M50M20M50M150M329.78M
Scout Offense During an Attack2%3%5%6%8%11%20%30%100%175%175%
How to get 
Go to coordinates0:01:11:5121:102320:12256:517256:1023416:353255:825


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GG61 03-12-2022 14:51The place for 8lvl all the time bussy. What to do?
0 1
Achmed 18-10-2022 03:46if you (plarium team) wants kebabs for free lol
1 10
Achmed 18-10-2022 03:45yeah a time limit by the system to stay at a pioneer spot, would be nice !
1 2
Keebs1995 19-10-2022 19:13No time limit. Just teleport there even if its just got 1 second. 3 hours later toy get achievement.
0 42
Earp, Wyatt 03-10-2022 09:12Plarium, you really need to abide by your own rules. Too many of the Levell location have had dead town sitting on them for months. We get new players who wants these acheivement and they are being block by some knucklehead.
Not too mention that you failed big time on the Level 9 Pioneer acheivement. Tried for hours to get this, but 1 -3 clans seem to dominate the only location for this. I gave up on getting this, just as all my contact, clan and ex-clan members have done

Heres a thought for you and I am sure that I am not the first to say this... Jotunheim is the only dangkingdom to receive this, unless you were lucky enough to receive it from your 7 year anniversary. Missed the sign up time frame, due to cancer surgery to remove left eye and part of skull. which is much more important than you game.

Put a time limit that anyone can sit on the spot of any of these tiles. Stop letting these knuckleheads deny other players from having access to them.
You can also set an algorithm that once a player has received the reward for that level, that they can never land on that location again.
0 5
Keebs1995 19-10-2022 19:14Yes I agree 1000% maybe we should all leave 1 star reviews and comment on achievements
0 3
No Angel 12-10-2022 08:29I couldn't agree more. It is a fight constatnly trying to get people to move. I am going to write them again and see of there is anything they can do.
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DANNY 17-09-2022 20:28Can anyone tell me how long you got to stay on a coordination to get the achievement and count it also on jotenheim
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emma 27-11-2022 21:293 seconds
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Zorgh Gallowglass 20-09-2022 12:05Time is not a factor. Simply touch the ground. So 1 second is enough. Must wait 3hrs and restart though to complete the process before landing on the next place.
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DANNY 11-09-2022 16:08Is het noodzakelijk om de coördinaten op volgorde te dien of mag da willekeurig
1 25
Nacho 22-08-2022 20:54This achievement amplifies the inner-loser of every control-freak. Who TF do you think you are, sitting on these locations and preventing others from achieving? You think plarium is going to reward you for being an asshole?

What plarium needs to do is implement a 10 second timer that initiates a random relocation for the control-freaks "policing" these locations. It takes one second to get the achievement. Get your achievement, then F OFF and let others get it.
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Don't speak russiian 14-11-2023 22:20It seems it's only a game for first 20 kds I've been trying for yrs to get this achievment does plarion care when only Russians seem to get this achievment
9 2
otis 14-11-2022 06:47quit crying sheesh lmao
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Don't speak russiian 14-11-2023 22:20Get bent
0 20
OLaf 22-08-2022 09:32Repeating this in hopes the Dev's at least see it, let alone react.....
"Isn't creating a second account just to leave it on a spot needed to complete the Pioneer achievemant a violation of the In-Game-Rules section 2.5 where it says it's a violation for "creating obstacles for the comfortable playing experience of other Users" and "Creation and/or use of a primary and/or additional Account to hinder other Users' enjoyment of the Game or prevent other players from using the Game's functionality by exploiting specific features..."?
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123 11-08-2022 23:39I got Lvl 9 without being in Jotunheim nor asgard
2 11
Tume Stone 10-08-2022 17:56I think we all agree that Pioneer has been a problem achieving because of players unfairly occupying the tiles. Today I received the Pioneer level 9 birthday gift and thank you. So why do we now have level 10 in Asgard for players to unfairly occupy the tile. Did you not learn anything from the level 9 experience.
0 1
explainet 16-08-2022 03:20The want players to fight for it.... want people to OS the town in spot in jotuneheim ++++$$$$ for plarium... same in asgard. your clan need to attack and hold the tower long enough for the member who needs P10 to jump to it and then get kicked from the place again... if your in a 10+trill clans its possible... just have your mates to set 2 OS on it and then get rdy when they hit it to make the jump..... it's fairly ease compared to the lvl 9 spot in jotunheim....

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