
In Asgard and Midgard, everyone loves Bragi for his cheerful nature. At any feast, gods and people glorify his name, as he grants inspiration to talented skalds and welcomes the best warriors into Odin's residence with a song.

ElementElement of Fire

LevelGoldSoul ShardRequirementsBlessingRecoveryHero’s ExperienceInfluence
1120K Sanctuary of the Aesir 141ч 0м 0с2д 2ч 0м 0с150K720K
2685K Sanctuary of the Aesir 161ч 0м 0с2д 2ч 0м 0с860K15M
31.25M Sanctuary of the Aesir 181ч 0м 0с2д 2ч 0м 0с1.6M30M
41.9M Sanctuary of the Aesir 201ч 0м 0с2д 0ч 36м 40с2.4M46.5M
52.8M Sanctuary of the Aesir 221ч 0м 0с2д 0ч 36м 40с3.5M68.5M
64.15M Sanctuary of the Aesir 231ч 0м 0с1д 23ч 13м 20с5.25M105M
76.55M Sanctuary of the Aesir 251ч 0м 0с1д 21ч 50м 0с8.25M165M
810.5M Sanctuary of the Aesir 271ч 0м 0с1д 19ч 3м 20с13.5M270M
917.5M Sanctuary of the Aesir 291ч 0м 0с1д 16ч 16м 40с22M445M
1028.5M73.96M Sanctuary of the Aesir 311ч 0м 0с1д 12ч 6м 40с35.5M720M
11 Sanctuary of the Aesir 371ч 0м 0с1д 12ч 6м 40с36M890M
12200 000 000Sanctuary of the Aesir 371ч 0м 0с1д 12ч 6м 40с47M950M
13255 000 000Sanctuary of the Aesir 381ч 0м 0с1д 12ч 6м 40с59.5M1B
14335 000 000Sanctuary of the Aesir 381ч 0м 0с1д 12ч 6м 40с75.5M1.15B
15460 000 000Sanctuary of the Aesir 381ч 0м 0с1д 12ч 6м 40с97.5M1.25B
16630 000 000Sanctuary of the Aesir 391ч 0м 0с1д 12ч 6м 40с125M1.45B
17865 000 000Sanctuary of the Aesir 391ч 0м 0с1д 12ч 6м 40с165M1.65B
181 150 000 000Sanctuary of the Aesir 391ч 0м 0с1д 12ч 6м 40с215M1.9B
191 550 000 000Sanctuary of the Aesir 401ч 0м 0с1д 12ч 6м 40с280M2.25B
20 1 950 000 000Sanctuary of the Aesir 40 1ч 0м 0с 1д 12ч 6м 40с 355M1.55B2.6B16.96B
2 500 000 0009 895 000 000

Temporary bonuses from Aes blessing

Melee Offense1%3%5%8%12%17%25%37%53%75%80%93%105%125%145%170%210%255%320%400%
Scout Defense1%3%5%8%12%17%25%37%53%75%80%93%105%125%145%170%210%255%320%400%
Marching Speed1%4%7%11%16%23%33%49%70%100%105%115%130%150%175%205%245%290%340%400%

Permanent bonuses from Aes patronage

Scout Health1%3%4%7%10%14%20%29%42%60%63%67%71%76%83%92%105%120%145%180%

Bonuses in the War of the Aesir

Offense Against Ice Aesir1%1,2%1,4%1,6%2%2,4%3%4%5,2%7%7,2%7,4%7,8%8%8,6%9,2%10,2%11,4%13,4%16%


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