
There is no better healer in the whole of Asgard than the goddess Eir. She heals the most severe wounds and preserves life even when a warrior already seems to be in death's clutches. Vikings believe that Eir's blessing makes them almost invincible.

ElementElement of Fire

LevelFoodLumberIronStoneSilverSoul ShardTimeRequirementsBlessingRecoveryHero’s ExperienceInfluence
124M24M24M24M64.5M 39д 22ч 20м 0сSanctuary of the Aesir 111ч 0м 0с2д 18ч 40м 0с16K240K
2515M515M515M515M1.6B 41д 16ч 0м 0сSanctuary of the Aesir 131ч 0м 0с2д 18ч 40м 0с255K5.05M
31B1B1B1B3.2B 43д 23ч 33м 20сSanctuary of the Aesir 151ч 0м 0с2д 18ч 40м 0с495K9.95M
41.6B1.6B1.6B1.6B5B 45д 17ч 13м 20сSanctuary of the Aesir 171ч 0м 0с2д 17ч 16м 40с765K15.5M
52.35B2.35B2.35B2.35B7.4B 49д 4ч 33м 20сSanctuary of the Aesir 191ч 0м 0с2д 15ч 53м 20с1.15M23M
63.55B3.55B3.55B3.55B11B 53д 5ч 46м 40сSanctuary of the Aesir 201ч 0м 0с2д 14ч 30м 0с1.7M34.5M
75.6B5.6B5.6B5.6B18B 59д 14ч 33м 20сSanctuary of the Aesir 221ч 0м 0с2д 13ч 6м 40с2.7M55M
89.2B9.2B9.2B9.2B29B 68д 20ч 46м 40сSanctuary of the Aesir 241ч 0м 0с2д 10ч 20м 0с4.45M90M
915B15B15B15B48B 82д 4ч 13м 20сSanctuary of the Aesir 261ч 0м 0с2д 6ч 10м 0с7.3M150M
1024.5B63.34B24.5B63.34B24.5B63.34B24.5B63.34B77.5B200.76B 100д 2ч 46м 40с Sanctuary of the Aesir 281ч 0м 0с2д 0ч 36м 40с12M240M
11 Sanctuary of the Aesir 371ч 0м 0с2д 0ч 36м 40с12.5M285M
12200 000 000Sanctuary of the Aesir 371ч 0м 0с2д 0ч 36м 40с16M300M
13255 000 000Sanctuary of the Aesir 381ч 0м 0с2д 0ч 36м 40с20M315M
14335 000 000Sanctuary of the Aesir 381ч 0м 0с2д 0ч 36м 40с25.5M340M
15460 000 000Sanctuary of the Aesir 381ч 0м 0с2д 0ч 36м 40с32.5M375M
16630 000 000Sanctuary of the Aesir 391ч 0м 0с2д 0ч 36м 40с42.5M415M
17865 000 000Sanctuary of the Aesir 391ч 0м 0с2д 0ч 36м 40с55M465M
181 150 000 000Sanctuary of the Aesir 391ч 0м 0с2д 0ч 36м 40с72M530M
191 550 000 000Sanctuary of the Aesir 401ч 0м 0с2д 0ч 36м 40с93M605M
20 1 950 000 000Sanctuary of the Aesir 40 1ч 0м 0с 2д 0ч 36м 40с 120M519.83M690M4.94B
2 500 000 0009 895 000 000

Temporary bonuses from Aes blessing

Ranged Offense1%3%5%8%12%17%25%37%53%75%80%93%105%125%145%170%210%255%320%400%
Cavalry Defense1%3%5%8%12%17%25%37%53%75%80%93%105%125%145%170%210%255%320%400%
Marching Speed1%4%7%11%16%23%33%49%70%100%105%115%130%150%175%205%245%290%340%400%

Permanent bonuses from Aes patronage

Ranged Health1%3%4%7%10%14%20%29%42%60%63%67%71%76%83%92%105%120%145%180%

Bonuses in the War of the Aesir

Offense Against Ice Aesir1%1%1,2%1,4%1,4%1,6%2%2,4%3,2%4%4,2%4,6%5%5,4%6%6,8%8%10%12,4%16%


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#134, Polk 04-05-2021 20:09Why this aes is the most expensive?