
Along with Odin and Thor, the mighty Týr is famous for the courage inherent in the true god of war. When the fierce Fenrir grew to an incredible size, Týr put his hand into the wolf's mouth without fear so that the Aesir could chain the beast.

ElementElement of Fire

LevelGoldRequirementsBlessingRecoveryHero’s ExperienceInfluence
17.75KSanctuary of the Aesir 51ч 0м 0с2д 2ч 0м 0с9.7K720K
2240KSanctuary of the Aesir 61ч 0м 0с2д 2ч 0м 0с305K22.5M
3490KSanctuary of the Aesir 71ч 0м 0с2д 2ч 0м 0с615K45.5M
4785KSanctuary of the Aesir 81ч 0м 0с2д 0ч 36м 40с980K72.5M
51.2MSanctuary of the Aesir 91ч 0м 0с2д 0ч 36м 40с1.5M110M
61.75MSanctuary of the Aesir 111ч 0м 0с1д 23ч 13м 20с2.2M160M
72.55MSanctuary of the Aesir 121ч 0м 0с1д 21ч 50м 0с3.2M240M
83.75MSanctuary of the Aesir 131ч 0м 0с1д 19ч 3м 20с4.7M350M
95.45MSanctuary of the Aesir 141ч 0м 0с1д 16ч 16м 40с6.8M505M
107.75MSanctuary of the Aesir 151ч 0м 0с1д 12ч 6м 40с9.7M720M
1111.5MSanctuary of the Aesir 371ч 0м 0с1д 12ч 6м 40с13M890M
1215MSanctuary of the Aesir 371ч 0м 0с1д 12ч 6м 40с18M950M
1319.5MSanctuary of the Aesir 381ч 0м 0с1д 12ч 6м 40с25M1B
1425.5MSanctuary of the Aesir 381ч 0м 0с1д 12ч 6м 40с34M1.15B
1533.5MSanctuary of the Aesir 381ч 0м 0с1д 12ч 6м 40с45.5M1.25B
1644MSanctuary of the Aesir 391ч 0м 0с1д 12ч 6м 40с61M1.45B
1757MSanctuary of the Aesir 391ч 0м 0с1д 12ч 6м 40с80M1.65B
1872.5MSanctuary of the Aesir 391ч 0м 0с1д 12ч 6м 40с105M1.9B
1991.5MSanctuary of the Aesir 401ч 0м 0с1д 12ч 6м 40с130M2.25B
20 115M508.97MSanctuary of the Aesir 40 1ч 0м 0с 1д 12ч 6м 40с 165M706.51M2.6B17.32B

Temporary bonuses from Aes blessing

Marching Speed1%2%4%6%8%12%17%24%35%50%54%63%72%82%96%115%140%180%230%300%
Ranged Defense1%2%4%6%8%12%17%24%35%50%54%63%72%82%96%115%140%180%230%300%
Melee Defense1%2%4%6%8%12%17%24%35%50%54%63%72%82%96%115%140%180%230%300%

Permanent bonuses from Aes patronage

Melee Health1%2%4%6%8%12%17%24%35%50%54%57%61%65%70%77%88%100%125%150%

Bonuses in the War of the Aesir

Offense Against Ice Aesir1%1,2%1,4%1,6%2%2,4%3%4%5,2%7%7,2%7,6%8%8,6%9%9,6%10,2%10,8%11,4%12%


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