The distribution by League depends on the type of Competition. In individual competitions, the distribution is based on the player's city level, and in clan and global Competitions, it is based on the power of the Clan.
The criteria for distribution by League are shown below. Please note that these criteria are only valid for the time being. Based on the need to adjust the game balance, the criteria for distribution by League can be changed without warning and at any time.
Personal Competitions (except: Ghost Hunt):
League of Rookies: 1-21 level of the Palace
League of Recruits: 22-26 level of the Palace
League of Warriors: 27-32 level of the Palace
League of Conquerors: 33-35 level of the Palace
League of Masters: 36-37 level of the Palace
League of Odin: 38-39 level of the Palace
League of Asgard: 40 level of the Palace
Clans Battle, Clan Competitions:
League of Rookies: 1 000 000 000 - 50 000 000 000 Influences
League of Recruits: 50 000 000 001 - 300 000 000 000 Influences
League of Warriors: 300 000 000 001 - 1 500 000 000 000 Influences
League of Conquerors: 1 500 000 000 001 - 5 000 000 000 000 Influences
League of Masters: 5 000 000 000 001 - 12 000 000 000 000 Influences
League of Odin: 12 000 000 000 001 - 20 000 000 000 000 Influences
League of Asgard: more 20 000 000 000 001 Influences
#123, 321 11-01-2025 21:19any information about clan siege ?
Ebo 06-12-2024 03:28Artifact?
elgordo3 25-11-2024 00:41and disguises are in the clan store, not the items store
elgordo3 21-11-2024 07:39oops, asgard store, not aesir store
elgordo3 21-11-2024 07:17To use aesir medals go to the clan store. At the top of the page there is an icon for the aesir store, click that and spend away.
You were unshielded in the millenial forest and when you got attacked the game automatically exiles you out of the forrest.
Special pack availibility is controlled by plarium and castle level is key, but there are other factors as well, Recent activity is likely a major condition getting them as well.
You can but hero disguises in the military tab of the items icon at the bottom of your city page.
Help 06-11-2024 01:17How do I use my aesal points
Raimundas 11-06-2024 12:44Sveiki kur dingo feisbuke žaistas žaidimas
??? 17-05-2024 09:49How did my attacker transport me from the Forrest to a far corner of a kingdom? Before taking resources.
Shellee94 03-04-2024 05:28How do you get access to the special packs tab in the bank? I quit playing for like a year and my fiance didn't. He has them and I don't